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Mysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?

Lung Health | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (3358)

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Replies to "https://www.amazon.com/POWERbreathe-Breathing-Strengthen-Inspiratory-Resistance/dp/B000NVLEHY/ref=asc_df_B000NVLEHY/"

I find the above product to be very helpful. I got information about this through a lady in the UK I've done zoom appointments with. She is a respiratory physiologist and works with people with Breathing Pattern Disorder. Always breathe through your nose!
This tool is a diaphragm strengthener. I use it as she directed, twice a day, 30 reps, at 2.0, my goal being 2.5 effortlessly. Overall, I am not cured. But I'm feeling better. Some days, as many as 10-12 with normal breath all day. Best Wishes.