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Hello windyshores~
I've been following all these 'threads' on what to take for 'osteo', the benefits as well as the frightening parts as well. I just found out that I now have three compression fractures, T-8,9 and 10. I knew about the the T-8 one..happened from a fall in 2012..but these new ones I don't have a clear image about, yet. I'm set for an MRI..had hip and back x-rays and labs...my lower back pain diag, as OA.
An upcoming appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon...and another DEXA..which showed me in severe osteo a year ago...a lot of -3's.....
I am so very scared of the contraindications of these types of drugs...and don't know which is a better fit..if I have to start this medication. I fit into all the bad parts of need..White, female, thin, 77yrs. old..and other then my bone issues..I'm in great shape! I also looked into the cost of these drugs..OMG....I am a low income senior..but just squeak over the 200% below poverty line to qualify...I can't afford 4 grand a month for this!..and even with the patient assistant programs..there is an annual ceiling of 9,000 from the companies. I've taken care of myself and my health for all these years...recently lost my husband of 47 yrs....still (and always will) be grieving, while trying to have a life now instead of merely existing...
I take a slew of supplements...plant based diet...no alcohol....was quite the athlete in my day..still have tennis rackets and pickle-ball gear in my car...and now this news.... my older sister is relentless about me taking the meds...as is my doctor....I want an alternative!
Anyone have thoughts about this?
Thank you all....

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Replies to "Hello windyshores~ I've been following all these 'threads' on what to take for 'osteo', the benefits..."

@bunky44 so sorry for all you are dealing with. I chose Tymlos, so I could start at a low dose (2 clicks out of 8) and move up (on 7 clicks for several months now). That really helped with side effects.

The Radius Assist program may help you. The income guidelines may work for you: they did for me. Call Together with Tymlos and get a personal rep. They can guide you.

The actual application is on the Radius site but Together with Tymlos administers it.

I will at this point endure any side effect, given the pain and disability of fractures. To me, it is a matter of remaining independent. That said, the side effects do fade after the first weeks (headache for instance) and I have found Tymlos to be tolerable despite my many med sensitivities. Good luck!

I'm so sorry to read this as I know how hard you've been working to overcome the past few years.

OK, first of all, don't panic. @windyshores and others are a rich source of information about the choice of meds for various steps in the saga. And resources for obtaining them. People who care are here for you.

It might be a good time to discontinue the Life-Pro for a bit until, and if, it's clear that it can't hurt. But for a body dealing with such stress, the fewer other stressor the better. At least until you have the go-ahead from a good doctor and physical therapist. I hope you have a doctor whom you have confidence in or can get a second opinion about what to do next.

You're in my thoughts!

Hi @bunky44, I'm sorry to hear about your fractures. Do you know if they are old or new?
Like you, my dexa scores are -3.1 for spine and hip. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, prescribed prednisone and scanned. Diagnosis of osteop was a shock, as like you, I was active.
My rheumatologist prescribed alendronate, which I've been on for a nearly year without any side effects. On our health insurance, Medicare Part B plan, it's not expensive It's a generic. It can only be taken for five years. Both my mother and mother-in-law took alendronate without difficulty - in the 90s, so it's been around a while.
I subscribe to Worst Pills, Best Pills, "An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements" for a nominal fee ($12.00 a year) and the only drugs for osteoporosis they recommend "for limited use" are alendronate, ibandronate, and risedronate.
Are you still able to exercise with your fractures? Can you consult with a physical therapist who specializes in osteoporosis?
I don't really like taking alendronate, but I decided to go with it. I do not experience any side effects. I continue to use the whole body vibration machine twice a day and have been doing Dr. Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis (yoga that increases bone density) for about a month. Hopefully, my bone density will improve and I can stop the alendronate.
Wishing you the best, Teri