Joint inflammation and muscle pain after COVID

Posted by chrism @chrism, May 20, 2020

Good morning, my name is Chris. Over the past two months I have experienced moderate joint pain to no excessive pain in my large joints. My primary care physician had ordered a rheumatology panel. I had two areas were inflammation is really over the top high. Why at this time, is unexplained. I have never in my life experienced any joint problems at all! I am 57 years old. I live in central Washington and at this time I am trying to get into Seattle, To see a rheumatologist, which is what my doctor is attempting to do at this time. Mid January my family and I traveled from SeaTac in Seattle Washington to Dallas Fort Worth and back again two weeks later. My son while we were gone, in his 30s, Got very sick with a chest cold and continued to have it when we got home. When I got home I got sick with what I would call A cold. But my cough held on for at least four maybe five weeks. Both of us seem to have no symptoms at all now. Nor do we know whether or not we may have had it? I’m not trying to connect any dots. I’m grasping at straws‘s! I’m on my second round of steroids to calm my joints, and I am scared to death when I am finished with the prescription. Two days after my first round of steroids I could hardly lift One arm and both legs. I’ve got two days left of the second prescription and I have to admit major fear is starting to set in! Has anyone heard of anything scientific, scientific that may link joint inflammation with adults because of Covid?

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Also I’m a member of two non-moderated random long hauler Fbook groups (aka, not medical advice so have cynical eye)…but I’m reading and seeing more about antihistamines being an issue related to my symptoms. Many find pains in legs and arms alleviate with an antihistamine H1 and/or H2 blocker (Allegra/Zyrtec/Claritin or Pepcid). Again not medical advice, but something to ask your doctor. I’m on low histamine diet and my symptoms in arms and legs seem to improve. I was diagnosed with skin fungal infection from antibiotics in ear infection and taking meds and took one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in tall glass of water mixed together. Two hours later my entire face and scalp was super itchy and I realized although apple cider vinegar is great for fungal infections it’s high in histamines (lowest in histamines if vinegars but still high). I’m meeting with my dr again next week to check progress on fungal infection and also with dermatologist to confirm my skin infection isn’t something else.

I hope you continue to feel better. It is a bit overwhelming to have all these symptoms persist. Wishing you good healing soon.

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I too experienced major joint pain only in my hips, knees, ankles and toes. I was in excruciating pain when I finally went to dr for my issue. Steroids held it at bay but it would quickly return when I completed taking them. Finally I was treated with large doses of Steroids and arthritis medication. I still have mild knee and ankle joint pain over 10 months later. I'm 41 and quite active with no history of joint issues.


Blood Work or Best Tests for Post Covid Muscle Pains

It has been frustrating trying to get any doctor's to realize muscle pain is not normal for a person that prior to covid ran 5 miles a day and ran a tennis clinic, and was competitive tennis player. This was only 2.5 months ago. I feel like I am the only one doing research into long hauler issues as my doctor's say all this covid symptom stuff will go away on its own. That is not the right stance to me. I love the podcasts from the Mayo Clinic Covid director, at least he seems to maybe give some hope.

I was wondering if anyone knows about what blood tests, etc. are the best to get regaarding all the muscle pains. I have looked on google for muscle pain blood tests, etc. and found some, but not sure if anyone can shed light on best tests to rule out Necrosis, Mytosis, etc. If the doctor's do not want to offer the blood work since they feel this all in people's heads, I will order my own tests on these online lab providers, and go to a naturopathic doctor..

Hope everyone heals and stays positive. Being perfectly healthy, competitive tennis player pre-covid and now with major muscle issues makes me want to help all of us out there. Thanks for any suggestions on blood work, etc.

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I had tons of blood work done by doctors that wouldn't listen to me when I say I was in excruciating pain in my hips, knees ankles and toes. 2 test showed extremely high. Creatine kinase and c reactive protein. I had a multi faceted issue post covid. I had muscle degeneration, numbness and loss of my ability to walk without my legs feeling like my brain and legs weren't on the same page. I was unable to do anything other than basic walking for over 8 weeks. Still over 10 months later I still have mild joint pain in legs. I am 41. I also am very active in running, golf, tennis, basically anything athletic with no joint issues prior to covid. All of my symptoms started after around 7 days post covid. They came one after another about a week separated each major symptom.


I had tons of blood work done by doctors that wouldn't listen to me when I say I was in excruciating pain in my hips, knees ankles and toes. 2 test showed extremely high. Creatine kinase and c reactive protein. I had a multi faceted issue post covid. I had muscle degeneration, numbness and loss of my ability to walk without my legs feeling like my brain and legs weren't on the same page. I was unable to do anything other than basic walking for over 8 weeks. Still over 10 months later I still have mild joint pain in legs. I am 41. I also am very active in running, golf, tennis, basically anything athletic with no joint issues prior to covid. All of my symptoms started after around 7 days post covid. They came one after another about a week separated each major symptom.

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Well stay on track of things. I am 7 months in, and been to some doctor's here in Arizona that promote long covid centers, but to be honest I have had to be my own advocate, and as a former athlete and still competitive tennis player pre-covid, it gets frustrated. The NIH pumped billions into healthcare facilities to say try to assist long covid patients, but to be honest I go in with more printed information from online youtube gurus that discuss how the virus works, etc. and still the doctor's look like a deer in headlights unfortunately. Mayo is a great place as well, but again, not many doctor's know that the key issue with long covid is that the immune system went haywire, and stays haywired, so the key is to find natural treatments to get immune system back to normal to stop inflammation.

Prednisone is a miracle drug for long covid symptoms, but you cannot stay on it, so once doctor's find a natural substance that mimics Prednisone people will slowly get better I believe. It's an over active immune system that is the issue, and even all the Turmeric in the world cannot control it as I have done it and no where in comparison to what Prednisone can do, but again you cannot stay on it. Stick to vegetables and very lean protein foods I would also say, and fast at least 3 days a week for like 14 hours a day as seems to help my system feel better resetting itself. Eating often seems to cause inflammatory responses as well, and long covid people need to have the body in a calm state.

I am 7 months in, and still have super muscle pains, super high EBV levels and high hystamine levels, but doctors cannot figure out what covid triggered. Tested positive for Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder as well and never had any issue prior. Just stay diligent and on top of doctor's even if they think you are crazy, believe me you are not as I had zero issues prior and played semi pro tennis 2 weeks prior to covid with no issues at all. Advocate for yourself, and if you go to Holistic doctor's at all, you can tell them to run any blood test you want and they will. Some medical doctors might look at you and ask why would you want these done, etc. Believe me, you are the advocate, and our amazing doctor's of the world will start to really gather more information to help others just from us long covid people being advocates.

Everyone stay positive, enjoy life, as many people in the world have more problems than we do. We can change our lives, some are terminal, so say the prayers to the Universe for those people.


Not sure if this goes along with your symptoms, however, approximately seven weeks after being diagnosed with Covid I started having shortness of breath and a little later on joint/muscle pain.
I eventually had some blood work which showed a C-Reactive Protein level of 36.8 indicating high inflammation. Eventually went on prednisone which helped, but my symptoms returned immediately upon completing the prescription.
Starts with some swelling, stiffness and pain in hands and wrists then eventually in both arms and legs. Will most likely try another round of prednisone, but need to determine what is causing the inflammation. No idea if this is a post Covid issue.


Blood Work or Best Tests for Post Covid Muscle Pains

It has been frustrating trying to get any doctor's to realize muscle pain is not normal for a person that prior to covid ran 5 miles a day and ran a tennis clinic, and was competitive tennis player. This was only 2.5 months ago. I feel like I am the only one doing research into long hauler issues as my doctor's say all this covid symptom stuff will go away on its own. That is not the right stance to me. I love the podcasts from the Mayo Clinic Covid director, at least he seems to maybe give some hope.

I was wondering if anyone knows about what blood tests, etc. are the best to get regaarding all the muscle pains. I have looked on google for muscle pain blood tests, etc. and found some, but not sure if anyone can shed light on best tests to rule out Necrosis, Mytosis, etc. If the doctor's do not want to offer the blood work since they feel this all in people's heads, I will order my own tests on these online lab providers, and go to a naturopathic doctor..

Hope everyone heals and stays positive. Being perfectly healthy, competitive tennis player pre-covid and now with major muscle issues makes me want to help all of us out there. Thanks for any suggestions on blood work, etc.

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I agree 100%
I have always been active, exercise regularly and at work I am on my feet most of the day. Post Covid I have had muscle pain, weakness and joint pain that I have never had. My regular physician referred me to a specialist who basically said I’m getting older and that’s to be expected! I am 63, and yes, I am getting older each day, lol but…. you do not get ‘old’ in a couple of months!
So frustrating to have to hunt down info on natural treatments and supplements without much direction from the medical community


I agree 100%
I have always been active, exercise regularly and at work I am on my feet most of the day. Post Covid I have had muscle pain, weakness and joint pain that I have never had. My regular physician referred me to a specialist who basically said I’m getting older and that’s to be expected! I am 63, and yes, I am getting older each day, lol but…. you do not get ‘old’ in a couple of months!
So frustrating to have to hunt down info on natural treatments and supplements without much direction from the medical community

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SO AGREE. I have one or more bottles of almost every over the counter treatment for EBV and autoimmune symptoms with thousands of $$$ spent. 2 days ago tried a new OTC combination that works: PROLEEVA Medical Food and Life Extension Ultimate Peptide Serum quieted body pain in minutes, eased stiffness, and I slept through the night (unusual). Stopped all supplements a few days before. Worked just as well on day 2. Not expensive. Cannot believe it, but I am truly comfortable foe 2 days in a row. Wish all blessings and healing.


I had covid for Christmas in 2020, AND, thanks to you folks posting the problems that has popped up since you had covid. My shoulders did not hurt before covid but at times when I lift small things (1 lb. or more) I have to be very careful because it will send sharp pains to the shoulder. I am only 89
but I continue my yard work, very slowly because the knees hurt because
uncle arthritis ate up the cartilage. I take Bufferin maybe once time a week.
My next step will be Delta 8 rub because the gummies mess with my
blood thinner.
I did not know before that post covid would cause pain. NOW I do know.


I had covid for Christmas in 2020, AND, thanks to you folks posting the problems that has popped up since you had covid. My shoulders did not hurt before covid but at times when I lift small things (1 lb. or more) I have to be very careful because it will send sharp pains to the shoulder. I am only 89
but I continue my yard work, very slowly because the knees hurt because
uncle arthritis ate up the cartilage. I take Bufferin maybe once time a week.
My next step will be Delta 8 rub because the gummies mess with my
blood thinner.
I did not know before that post covid would cause pain. NOW I do know.

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Just keep moving. Do not yield to the pain. Use heat patches, any type,
if you can afford them. Talk to your pharmacist for her suggestions. Good


Just keep moving. Do not yield to the pain. Use heat patches, any type,
if you can afford them. Talk to your pharmacist for her suggestions. Good

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Thank you sunny8. good advice


Thank you sunny8. good advice

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I found this, before I had COVID in October this year, that Lidocaine patches work almost instantly on specific areas of pain. I’d had knee pain and a knee replacement surgery in March, these worked well. Of course, you should check with your doctor to see if these are safe to use along with your current medications. You can buy them at your grocery store. As for long haul covid, a lot of my symptoms have disappeared and I pray that they stay away!

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