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@dakotabonnie welcome. Wow, what a story. Fifteen years post transplant and still working at 73 years old for the same company. That's not something one hears everyday. I think you should add your snapshot of hope to this discussion:
- Snapshots of hope: Life on the other side of transplant. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/snapshots-of-hope-life-on-the-other-side-of-transplant/

All welcome to add their snapshot by the way.

Bonnie, might I ask what kind of work you do? Any retirement plans?

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Replies to "@dakotabonnie welcome. Wow, what a story. Fifteen years post transplant and still working at 73 years..."

Hi Coleen! I definitely will consider your recommendation! I work for a wonderful company (admin type work) that provides jobs for experienced workers over the age of 55 years. You can check it out on our website at NEWsolutions.org. We are a non-profit and the jobs we have are via funding through the government. Prior to my transplant I raised Bison and we had a manufacturing company, and I had just moved from SD to WI when I got sick. It took from the day after Christmas to Jan. 28th for my liver to fail completely, so I will be forever grateful to Mayo and my donor for saving my life. I call Mayo the Dome of Miracles!! I went back to work 7 months after my transplant, and don't know what I would have done without it! 🙂