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7 years after total knee replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Sep 9, 2023 | Replies (28)

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Hi there,

After seeing your post, I just wanted to tell my story and offer support for the current issues you are having, which I know cause great frustration. I had a TKR in 2017; I am female and was 61 years old at the time. Prior to this, arthroscopic surgery was performed in 2016 due to an injury that resulted in a large tear and shredding that could not be repaired, consequently approximately 40% of the lateral meniscus was removed. After 8 months of PT, my gait remained antalgic and the pain had not decreased, so a TKR was discussed and the best option. Even with intense PT, stretching, aquatic therapy, etc, the pain was present, knee hot, stiffness after sitting for short periods, and difficulty with reaching both extension/flexion goals, etc. I should mention that prior to the injury I was active, (hiking, swimming, gardening, canoeing) and of normal weight with no other issues.
After extensive testing (x-rays, bone scan, bloodwork, aspiration) to identify possible inflammation, loosening of the prosthesis, or other problems, nothing was found. I had a third surgery in 2019 called “pie-crusting of the ligaments”, both medial and lateral. This gave me more extension/flexion, but the pain and stiffness have not gone away, plus my balance is challenging when standing, bending, or relying on the operated leg. My orthopedic surgeon has been very supportive and informative, but this remains a mystery. He believes the only other option is a revision, to replace the current prosthesis with one that is more loose/moveable, which sounds logical to me. A different orthopedic surgeon has been referred, one that specializes in joint revisions and is a salvage surgeon as well, who informed me that this procedure can give me relief in the areas of pain, flexion/extension, and stiffness. Also, he may put in a slightly smaller prosthesis.
I have always felt that my operated leg is slightly longer, which is causing pain in my back and hip. A Scanogram was performed, and it showed a slight difference in length as surmised, a few centimeters. My new surgeon said this may be corrected because there may be some bone loss. Does anyone have any insight or information to help me? Possibly I just fall into a certain percentage of individuals that have ongoing problems for unspecific reasons?

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Replies to "Hi there, After seeing your post, I just wanted to tell my story and offer support..."

Greetings @hanginginthere19. Welcome to Connect and all the folks that sort of wander in and out of the TKR posts. It does sound like a revision may be the right solution for you.

Even my newest TKR knee feels different than my older one. The material is different.....no metal and the patella feels loser. However, I only notice it when I get down on my hands and knees to scrub the floor (just kidding---I don't do floors anymore at 80) or do a set of "Child's Poses" as part of my daily Yoga.

What brings you to Connect? Are you looking to learn about your health?

I will see my surgeon in the morning for my 6-month check-up. I hope he also feels that I have had a pretty good experience this time.

May you be safe, protected, and free from inner and outer harm.

Halo, I just happened to search here for people who have had issues after a total Knee Replacement and I came across this thread. My pains seems to sound like your issue. I had my TKR n Nov of 21’. I did everything right, I had my first month at home w PT then switched to out patient PT. All along i’m complaining of pain behind my knee, on outside n terrible pain goin up my femur.
I did 4 sets of out patient PT which never helped. The therapists always said they had to rub the swelling up my leg but after 30 min. It always came back. 6 months later after still crying out, my Knee Dr did a manipulation plus scar tissue removal cause I still had trouble pulling my leg farther behind me. Well that didn’t help. I’ve used all the creams etc for pain even lidoderm patches and I’d ace wrap it lightly so it’ll help fuse the patch. Ice helped to a point. But it’s a year and half now and still just as painful as first-2nd month is what it feels like. My Dr referred me to pain management to see about nerve blocks, I did 2 sets to see if I was a candidate for having an Ablation. Well that was a flop too. Pain came back after 2 weeks goin up my femur n down my shin, all about a foot in length but pain goes all around the knee too. So nope on Ablation. So my Dr called in another Dr, one that does revised surgery. I happen to mention could I be allergic to whatever is in my knee that’s not agreeable w my body? They asked if I was allergic to anything. Of course for the past 30 years, i tested positive to Lotions including deodorants, Nickel n some adhesive tapes. I usually break out with a rash if I come n contact w those things. I asked the Drs is there nickel n the knee ? They said yes, n sent me next to an allergist. Well I wore those patches for 3 days, after just 1 hr I was hurting n wanting to scratch, they used paper tape which I had red bumps but the only thing that showed positive was lotions. So how did I test positive 30 years ago to Neg. now ? I’m goin back n couple weeks for another follow up. I’m really tired plus my dear Husband from back n forth. My knee has a lotttt of heat inside and out compared to the other knee. Which is getting bad now but it’s my better Knee compared to the TKR one. Throbbing pains. I can almost imagine my knee inside looking like hamburger meat, all torn up. I told the Drs it feels like at the top my knee, picture a bottle cap edges just digging into skin. My knee goes out on me occasionally. Even n the house is take a step n feel like my knee buckles on me. Also if I go to bend down to pick up something, it feels so tight n stiff which I have a lottt of stiffness. I really don’t want it opened up again n have a re-do but I’m feeling that’s what’s coming next. I’m just so tired of high deductibles which I’ve already met ($9200.) and it’s already been a year and half that I’ve met last couple yrs, but w my husband retired now it’s hard to keep up w all payments. I have good insurance (BCBS) it’s just frustrating that nothing is healing n having to repair it again. It was over 50 stitches on that knee n very painful just as it feels now. Burning, stinging n pains goin all over it, the tightness n stiffness. I do have a curious thought though, upon my follow up after the surgery he mentioned something about fixing n cleaning up my knock knee. Which I never knew knock knees before. So it’s clearly diff from my other knee. I’m just wondering if that had anything to do with what’s causing all this pain n heat n stiffness ? He never said anything about doin knock knee adjustment before the surgery. I mentioned earlier to my family about testing the heat in and on my knee, n our daughter said try that temp. gun. Im always asking my family to feel n see the diff of temp. So im curious of what all kinds of treatments you’ve tried and found any relief? It’s not RSD im complaining about. I know what that is n it doesn’t feel nearly like that kind of pain. Any ideas I’d love to hear about. Plus last week I called my Dr office n asked them to ask the Dr about the cement that’s bonded n my knee. So hopefully n next 2-3 weeks I might be pointed to another direction for someone else to test n figure out. So what other ideas is that that’s helpful into figuring this out? The pain goin outside of that knee is painful where I get the feeling that my knee is stressed nearly to cracking. I don’t know if that’s possible but that’s what I’m feeling. Im in a lot of pain 19 months later. Thanks for any Ideas,, Cathy 🙏