Burning Feet syndrome

Posted by ndovu @ndovu, Mar 17, 2012

Hi everyone! Am 40yrs man in Africa - Country. Kenya. In 1993 aged 22 and in college, I developed burning feet. So hot have been my feet that I've not worn closed shoes all those yrs
All tests done over the yrs -,including blood sugar, pressure, vitamin test, nerve endings test etc. All have been negative. I'm generally healthy, with no major problem. I need anyone who has had such a problem and got help to help.

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Allegro, Do you use CBD oil orally or as a rub-on cream? Thanks

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Try both. Cream and Oil.



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What CBD oil has helped you with your burning feet? I have the same problem, along with tingling and bursts of needles.


@skullborous I'm looking up information about DMSO. Thanks for the tip. I'll probably give it a try.

@oldkarl I know the burning pain in the feet tears. I've shed them, myself. It's unfortunate that a treatment can't always be found for every ailment, and that what works for someone else might not work for me.

I know that it helps to know you're not totally alone, but there are good people who share your pain and will listen and encourage. Is that as true for you guys as it is for me?


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Looking back through this discussion makes me wonder how all of you with hot feet are doing.

I had a spinal cord stimulator implant back in June of '17, and felt a ton of relief. It still helps, but not as much. I have the stimulator adjusted every 3 months, and my feet feel better for a while, gradually hurting more until I get it adjusted again.

I have tried every neuropathy medication and a bunch of others off label. Most had no effect on the pain, others had unacceptable side effects, especially Lyrica. I've been taking morphine sulfate contin for several years. It's been the only medication that has helped, except for Lyrica. Lyrica was starting to give me some relief, but I reacted badly to it and spent a few days in the hospital.

A month ago I started taking Imipramine, and it's really making a difference. I can be on my feet all day and my feet hurt very little. I need to talk with the pain specialist about why they hurt when I lie down at night, even after a good day.

Is the hypnosis still helping? Any new diagnosis or treatment?

I tried to cut back to 15mg of morphine sulfate contin in the morning, but I had to go back up to at least twice a day and sometimes 3x. I'm concerned at this point about the risk of serotonin syndrome. I have some of the symptoms, but that doesn't mean it's serotonin syndrome.

Hope life is treating you well.



Try both. Cream and Oil.

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What CBD oil and cream products have helped you with your burning feet? I have the same problem, along with tingling and bursts of needles.


I tried CBD cream - didn't do anything for me but some people say it helped them. Peggy


It sounds like Peripheral Neuropathy. That is how mine started. I had Intense burning that felt like I was standing in acid! I tried all the medications with very little help until a Rx called Lyrica was developed. You should consider seeing a Neurologist who will give a proper diagnosis. There are numerous variations of Neuropathy and most are treated similarly, but your Neurologist will be able to tell you which treatment will be best for you.

Good luck!


It sounds like Peripheral Neuropathy. That is how mine started. I had Intense burning that felt like I was standing in acid! I tried all the medications with very little help until a Rx called Lyrica was developed. You should consider seeing a Neurologist who will give a proper diagnosis. There are numerous variations of Neuropathy and most are treated similarly, but your Neurologist will be able to tell you which treatment will be best for you.

Good luck!

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Hi, @lturn9 - standing in acid sounds indeed horrible - what intense burning pain. So, are you now managing the burning sensations with pregabalin (Lyrica)?


Yes, when I was diagnosed with Demylinating Polyneuropathy, I was having all kinds of pain. Still do but not as constantly as it was back them (97 iirc). Lyrica was a God send for me. None of the things they tried before helped. I also have a implanted pump which has Dilaudid and Bupivicaine which constantly provides medication. (Tried a TENS device but it didn't help) I have tried to reduce this but the pain seems to go up when I do. My pain is so intermittent it is hard to be sure something is helping. When the burning gets bad or stabbing pain starts I take Percocet which seems to help. I am taking 200mg Lyrica 3X/day and this is the max allowed although they have not published any side effects when people take higher doses. I read where one patient took 8000mg by accident (!!) without side effects. Of course a single high dose may provide different results than when taking higher doses for extended periods. So I take them as prescribed.
The "standing in acid" description is pretty close to what I feel occasionally. Thankfully it doesn't happen all the time. Today my right foot is burning but not too bad at the moment.


I take Lyrica only at night because it makes me sleepy but it does work. The dose has been gradually increased as my condition worsened, I'm at 225 mg. My Neurologist said that I could not take more than 300 as it does something to the heart. I weigh 115 pounds - the dosages of some medicines are adjusted according to weight -- do any of you know if that's true for Lyrica? That might explain why my doctor said 300 and one of our members above takes 600 a day. I take Gabapentin during the day because it doesn't make me sleepy. Neuropathy breaks through sometimes, when it does I take 1/2 of a Tramadol but sometimes that doesn't even stop the intense burning in my feet and ankles and up my legs, and wasp-sting (like needle sticks but worse) in my upper arms. Other days, the Lyrica and Gaba are enough and I can live almost normally. I too, am grateful for Lyrica and Gabapentin. While I was stretching sore muscles in the jacuzzi, I noticed that the pain in my feet was gone ... I am grateful for a little relief from that too. Peggy


Hello Everyone, I was diagnosed with PN 12 months ago. Within the past two weeks, my left foot is red and swollen when I wake and gets redder and more swollen throughout the day.
Two questions:
In your experience does this ebb and flow or just get worse over time?
Also, we are purchasing a three-level town-home in a few weeks. Does anyone with these feet issues have trouble going up and down stairs?
Thank you kindly for your support and direction.

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