Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?
Good evening, I’ve recently been diagnosed with PMR. It came on a week after my flu shot October 23, 2020.
Has anyone experienced the same diagnosis after a flu shot?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.
@barbwhitmore, I would be a little suspect of any claims without scientific evidence. Here's some information on the diagnosis and treatment of PMR from Mayo Clinic -
Have you been started on any treatment like prednisone to help with the PMR inflammation and associated pain?
Yes, I came down with symptoms within a week after my flu shot. Didn't get diagnosed for 6 months.
That sounds like chelation therapy which is a treatment for heavy metal poisoning. Some believe this treatment has other health benefits as well, but to my knowledge such claims are unproven. For what it's worth, here is a link to a Mayo Clinic article about chelation treatment for heart disease:
I developed PMR 3.5 months after receiving senior Influenza and First Covid-19 Booster on same day. Onset was with left thigh and hip/gluteal pain. Progressed to severe pain within two weeks making it nearly impossible to move my leg or to walk or sleep. As typical, NASAIDs (Ibuprofen) and Acetaminophen were ineffective, as was Hydrocodone w/ Acetaminophen. Seen by orthopedics. MRI of left hip revealed significant periarticular multifocal muscle edema physically affecting the deep fibers of the gluteus minimus; and L Hip joint effusion with evidence of left hip synovitis. Inflammatory or infectious arthropathy could not be ruled out on the MRI. Was hospitalized for testing and attempted fluid aspiration of L hip. CRP & ESR were each very high. Within 30 days R hip and shoulders developed pain and limited range of motion (ROM). Aspiration was unsuccessful (dry tap). Finally, started on Prednisone 20 mg/day while awaiting appointment with rheumatologist. Within one day, shoulders were fine and hips beginning to improve. Hips improved remarkably during the next days and weeks. Rheumatologist did extensive testing and diagnosed the cause as probable PMR (there is no yes/no test for PMR). Have been on tapering dose every two weeks. L Hip pain never totally subsided, but nearly so initially. Down to 10 mg prednisone now, but bumping back up as I developed neck pain/very limited ROM in the mornings when on 12.5 that is unrelieved with ibuprofen but much better hours after taking the prednisone & L hip pain is recurring. History of neck problems but this is different.
My senior flu shot was received same day as my first Covid-19 booster, October 26, 2021. I developed PMR symptoms March 13, 2022 and was diagnosed with PMR by June 8, 2022 after extensive testing. Correlation or cause?
Hello @entelechysail, Welcome to Connect. My PMR is in remission and none of my flu, COVID or Shingrix vaccines made my PMR flare. I also had a senior flu shot along with my first Pfizer booster vaccine with no PMR related side effect. All that said, I think there is plenty of evidence that can show a relationship however small (just my opnion). Since you are tapering, I thought you might like to join in the following discussions to learn what others have shared.
-- Prednisone tapering and remission:
-- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms:
One of the suggestions my rheumatologist gave me was to keep a daily pain log along with the dosage of prednisone I took that day. Do you keep a daily pain log with how much prednisone you took?
I got my 2nd booster (4th Covid shot) in midMay. Within 2 weeks, I started feeling pain/stiffness in my hips, pelvis and knees in the morning and anytime I was stationary for a period of time (ex. driving in the car). Labs showed my C Reactive Protein to be elevated. Dr. diagnosed me with PMR and started Prednisone. Symptoms are better on Prednisone, but I am horrified at the thought of having to take Prednisone.
My First 3 shots were Pfizer, 4th shot was Moderna. After each shot, I had a couple of low days with various minor symptoms. I did notice that I had joint aches and stiffness following the shots, but these symptoms were easily managed with Aleve and after a few weeks resolved. I feel like the last shot - the Moderna - triggered my PMR.
Anyone else think their Covid vaccinations caused their PMR? I'm 64, active (yoga, hiking, fitness classes) and otherwise healthy.
happened to me as well.....soon after 4th shot.....what a pain in the ass it is dang it.
FYI, I cannot tolerate prednisone but have found that celebrex (generic) makes my discomfort tolerable and has a benefit of calming my mind a bit. Data reflects it's better on your body than ibuprophen as well. Try it but not sure that you should while on prednisone but something to talk with you doc about. This has been going on since March for me and intolerable at first, my pain is now in my upper arms alot and in my hips/upper thighs as well. After driving 30 minutes my right leg (hamstring) becomes intolerable. take care, George
Hi @gingerraspiller, welcome. You'll notice that I moved your question to this existing discussion:
- - Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?
I did this so you can read previous posts and connect easily with members like @girastancil who have experienced the same.
You both may also be interested in this post:
- PMR and Covid vaccine: Guidance from College of Rheumatology: