← Return to COVID vaccines and neuropathy


COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: 6 days ago | Replies (2172)

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I had my 4th Pfizer shot on May 26th 2022 and both hands are numb and tingling starting abruptly on May 28th. I’ve never had these type of symptoms before. I saw my Dr on June 1st and she tested my B12 level which was 300 and told me to take a B12 supplement as she said low B12 can cause this. I’ve been taking 500mcg of Cyanocobalamin B12 for 18 days and have not seen any improvement. The condition has been constant since 2 days after the 4th shot. I’m 57 years old I’ve noticed my typing on my laptop is hindered by this which I need to do for my job. After 3rd dose Nov 2021 I had elevated liver enzymes and would have waited on getting a 4th but my Dr strongly urged me to get it since I had travel to a conference for my work in June. @selene53 have your symptoms improved or worsened? What treatments are you taking for it if any?

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Replies to "I had my 4th Pfizer shot on May 26th 2022 and both hands are numb and..."

As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness and tingling started. I saw my family doctor and a neurologist several times. I had an EMG, numerous blood tests and a neck MRI. Everything normal.The paraesthesias continued through March. Then in April, my doctor had the idea of putting me on 5 days of prednisone. It seemed to help a little. By May, I felt like I was on the mend with hardly any tingling and numbness. It was 98% better. BUT, a few days ago, I was working in the garden and I felt some tingling in one of my feet and it is now back full strength accompanied with leg pains and back pain. I don't know what to think. I am seeing my doctor again an a week. Throughout this all I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid on the recommendation of the neurologist, glutamine, my usual vitamins. Also tried gabapentin for several days, which made things worse, so I stopped. Nothing has made the slightest difference.
I live in a small southern Colorado town and have considered traveling to Denver to see a neurologist at a large teaching hospital. I called and the first appointment is 6 months out! December. Maybe I would get an answer up there. My own thought is that I have some some kind of small fiber neuropathy that was triggered by the last vaccine and that may come and go. I would love to get an actual diagnosis however. I wish you the best and hopefully these symptoms will fade for both of us.