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Would you recommend having a vitrectomy for a macular pucker with mild distortion that's been stable for 9 years and also had a mild/moderate cataract. Any regrets from the vitrectomy surgery?

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Replies to "Would you recommend having a vitrectomy for a macular pucker with mild distortion that's been stable..."

Hi @macularpucker22 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I wanted to introduce you to other members discussing Vitrectomies like @maenbrr7, @bobbyo and @marjou so I moved your post here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/floaters-only-vitrectomy/

Beside mild distortion, are you having other side effects?

I had a vitrectomy after a vitriol hemorrhage. At the same time the Dr. did some laser surgery for retinopathy. The problems were corrected but several months later I ended up needing cataract surgery. I was told this can be a common result. I doubt I would have a surgery if things are currently stable. For sure take it up with your ophthalmologist!

I am 5 days in from a vitrectomy. Still keeping my head down and still have no vision in the eye.
It is a tough recovery!

I have a macular hole and am hoping that this will be successful.