Posted by diane11 @diane11, Mar 10, 2012

severe ringing and pressure in ears, hard to hear, happened fast..going on 8 months now and I feel like others don't understand why I can't do or go places like I used to, It is always present and I am changing due to it!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.


Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.

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I understand how he feels, I have read up everywhere and xanax is the only med. that is recommened, I take .05 anyway so now I break them in half to kind of help...to stay busy, keep a noise , like TV, radio going and at night a fan close by, an ambien and blessed sleep and no noise until I am up. He may have to have therapy, because it does really get to you. I have also read and been told stress can cause and make the condition worse. Personally, I am a Christian and I am asking God to heal this, He is more than able, if you would like I can include your husband also. Please tell him the more we think of "death" it will be harder to overcome the sounds, I will connect with him and get others who will and together we can beat this, we must. Thank u so much for answering, I thought I was alone.


I've had tinnitus 24 hours a day for over ten years. Suggest going for MRI and/or CT scan to rule out a serious condition. I've learned to live with it without medications - be glad if it's not something serious. A possible cause (beside the all-to-often seat of the not too great 2nd rate docs 1st and only guess of a loud music cause) you should look into is EER - a form of acid reflux that goes up higher than normal esophageal reflux. Often happens when prone-sleeping and the acid gets into your ear(s) and/or sinus cavities with resultant ear fullness/ringing and other chronic conditions such as sinusitis. Go to Mayo!!


I've had tinnitus 24 hours a day for over ten years. Suggest going for MRI and/or CT scan to rule out a serious condition. I've learned to live with it without medications - be glad if it's not something serious. A possible cause (beside the all-to-often seat of the not too great 2nd rate docs 1st and only guess of a loud music cause) you should look into is EER - a form of acid reflux that goes up higher than normal esophageal reflux. Often happens when prone-sleeping and the acid gets into your ear(s) and/or sinus cavities with resultant ear fullness/ringing and other chronic conditions such as sinusitis. Go to Mayo!!

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I have had MRI and CT, plus so many more...been to 3 ENT's and the latest is saying I have 43% hearing loss, but I don't know if they understand it is more than a ringing, it's pressure that sometimes I have vision trouble and ALWAYS a horrid pressure in both ears and the noise is hellish... I wish I could go to Mayo or John Hopkins but when u are 72 and have nothing but S.S., u can't have choices. No it's not loud music, and don't have reflux, but yes my sinus is a problem , always. Stress is a big item, I am trying but given what has occured the last 6 yrs. it is hard. I do so much appreciate you taking the time to answer me, thank you so much.


Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.

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I have had sever ear pain for a year. Went to 2 emergency rooms and dr 3 times. They thought it was just allergies. Finally went to an ENT. Been on antibiotics and ear drops no luck. Also had a tube put in my ear. I'm still in awful pain and have lost some of my hearing. It's very muffled. I'm in a terrible mood all day long bc of the ringing and I can't sleep. I bought Xanax online and ambien. I was supposed to have an X-ray of the ear done yesterday but they told me it was going to be $400. So I said NO. I'm done dealing with Drs. It's terrible how much money I have spent and they can't figure it out. I feel like a crazy person bc the sounds I hear. I start to cry then blow my nose and it hurts bad. Guess I will Learn to deal with it. I'm going on a flight next mth. Hope it will not bother me then.


Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.

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I also have days I wish I would die bc of this ringing and pain. After the Dr told me it was going to be $400 for the X-ray I told him it would be cheaper if I was dead. My ear drops cost $140.00. I don't understand health care . It's not like I asked for this health issue. I will survive and get through this but no more Drs. I will eventually die when the time is right. For now party like a rock star and just enjoy life.


my tinnitus started the day after my neuro surgeon increased my asperin intake from 81 mgs to 325mgs. i have been told that aspirin is a leading cause of tinnitus, and i believe this to be true. On tues of this week , my cardiologist told me about fuorismide being a new treatment. (water pill) i do take a water pill occasionally.
now i am taking 40mgs every day. I have noticed some relief in a couple of days , but i am still not sure if this is the reason. i will post again later if there is really some relief. by te way i am 82 years old and in pretty good health


Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.

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dont party like a rock star since the loud noise only makes matters worse. 50 years in the music busines i am sure also contributed to my problem. time to cool it with soft relaxing music


Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.

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good advise .i am earning to live with the tinnitus. At 82 it is tough to change your ways. 3 doctors told me there is no cure yet. hand all the tests (brain scan etc.) all negative. thank god. quiet sound etc do help.


Sorry. My husband also has severe ringing in his ears. Sometimes he has wished to die because it's so bad. He has to take Xanax at night so he can sleep. Some days he's very grumpy.

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check his meds on DRUGS.COM for interaction.....see if something got mixed -up causing this problem.......i am taking LYRICA 100mg at bed time ..but I think i am fighting a problem that drugs induced from a bad interaction.....the pharmacy or the doctor are not going to tell you they messed -up something...Lyrica makes you very sleepy so for me I can only take it at night time.....it really helps..no noise in the EARS

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