Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?
Good evening, I’ve recently been diagnosed with PMR. It came on a week after my flu shot October 23, 2020.
Has anyone experienced the same diagnosis after a flu shot?
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The night of getting my 2nd Covid shot I could barely get out of bed due to pain in my hips and shoulders. After a couple weeks I was diagnosed with PMR and sent to a rheumatologist. That was 13 months ago.
I believe that my PMR was triggered by the Covid vaccine since the symptoms came on shortly after I got the shot. I initially thought I had just done too much gardening and dismissed the pain and lack of mobility. It was a number of months before I figured out what I had and saw my doctor but looking back I saw the connection between the shot and symptoms. The previous fall, 2020, after I got my flu shot I spiked a fever for 6 days straight. I thought I had Covid but did not. Throughout my adult life I have had strong reactions to the flu shot. I worked in health care and needed to get the shot every year. About 50% of the time I would feel ill for a couple of days so always got my shot on a Friday so I would not have to work if I reacted poorly. I believe that I have had low level immune system problems for a long time but the Covid vaccine was the final straw. I am not getting any vaccines for the near future.
Mine started a week after my Covid vax. Not a coincidence! It caused it.
I had a flare after my covid booster!
My primary care doc said I should get the 2nd shot of Covid vaccine and to change the manufacturer. My first dose was Pfizer and within a couple of days I was in misery. That was over a year ago. I just got my prednisone dose down to 4.5 mg and had the 2nd shot today. I got Moderna this time. Fingers crossed! Next I get to start on letrosole after having had a lumpectomy. Side effect? Joint pain. I'm just going slow and observing and keeping my fingers crossed - and the prednisone handy.
Hopefully it will just be a mild reaction (sore arm) and not worsen the PMR. My PMR developed right after my 2nd Shingrix shot and took 20 months of prednisone taper to get under control. I was able to tolerate the COVID 19 vaccines (I had Pfizer) and wonder if being on prednisone during the vaccine series helped prevent a PMR flare. Good luck and stay strong!
Yep! The vaccine caused a flare. I went to bed last night feeling fine and woke up hurting. The good news is I've got prednisone so I took the prednisone and some acetaminophen and after a couple of hours I felt somewhat better. And, it's not as bad as when I got the first shot. I'd like to keep my prednisone dose fairly low so I don't go backwards in tapering.
I got my second shot and the day after was miserable. The PMR flared, my whole body hurt and I could hardly move or stay awake. I had an upset stomach and no appetite. Today, the second day, all of that is gone and I'm back to normal. Pretty amazing. I think I probably have prednisone to thank for that.
I had the old persons flu vaccine last October and immediately became sick with "polymyalgia rheumatica" but it took me months and months to figure out what was happening to me. I lived on advil until I got into see an orthopedic surgeon as my knees were so swollen I could hardly walk. He said I had systemic inflammation ie "poly myalgia rheumatica" as it was everywhere in my body. Could hardly put a shirt on over my head and walking in the morning was so painful. There is no doubt in my mind it was the old persons flu shot! I have been trying to get off prednisone for months but would get down around 3 mg and then go back up because of pain. I recently just stopped taking prednisone as I wanted to see if the swollen glands under my arms were related to prednisone and because I didn't want to start taking the prescription bone loss drugs my doctor prescribed. And, the pain visits me every night! During the day I'm fine and can golf, walk 10 miles in a day, or bike ride. But during the night and in the morning it is torture. Covid vaccines did nothing it was the old persons flu vaccine and/or the way it was administered. Does anyone else have arm pit issues? I also get pain on the right side of my rib cage but X-ray showed nothing out of the ordinary. I am so angry. Only got the stupid old persons flu shot to protect my sister who has serious medical issues.
Welcome @barbwhitmore, Sorry to hear that the flu vaccine may have caused the polymyalgia rheumatica as a side effect. Prednisone is the magic sauce that makes the inflammation and pain go away but it can take awhile for you to taper off of the drug and you really have to take is slow and listen to your body, ie not overdo physical activity. I've had 2 occurrences and it took 3 and a half years to taper off the first time around and a year and half the second time.
There are a couple of other discussions you might find helpful.
-- Prednisone tapering and remission:
-- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms:
Have you discussed the symptoms and treatment with a rheumatologist?