Redundant colon plus diverticulosis

Posted by prue @prue, Feb 24, 2022

How does one manage to deal with a redundant colon and diverticulitis flare? Is diet the same?

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Hello @prue and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. From what I could find, it doesn't appear there is a correlation between the two conditions. That said, a high-fiber diets seems to be the rule of thumb for best outcomes with redundant colon. Would you agree? Have you been eating a high-fiber diet?


Thank you for your reply. I have had several trips to emergency with regards to diverticulosis flares. I always deal with severe constipation and found that a diet of 24 g of fibre recommended for my age(74) is too much. Trying to find a balance plus my 8 cups of water is challenging. Restorolax also used on a daily basis. No dairy and no white bread etc also part of my diet. It’s reassuring to know the redundant colon is not a contributing factor. Any suggestions are so welcome.


Hello, I'm new here and I'm dealing with the same conditions. I have also been battling C-Diff since December. I've relapsed 3 times so I was finally able to get FMT on Monday. I was told I have Multiple small and large-mouthed diverticula in the entire colon, along with excessive looping. The Dr. suggested that perhaps the C-Diff toxins are harboring deep in the diverticula pockets...interesting thought. I have NO idea what to eat, the more I read, the more confused I become! I had 2 episodes of diverticulitus, in Sept and November which of course are treated with antibiotics and that caused the C-Diff. I would love some diet suggestions. What is Restorolax? I've not heard of that. I'm glad I've found this group and wish you all the best!


Thank you for your reply. I have had several trips to emergency with regards to diverticulosis flares. I always deal with severe constipation and found that a diet of 24 g of fibre recommended for my age(74) is too much. Trying to find a balance plus my 8 cups of water is challenging. Restorolax also used on a daily basis. No dairy and no white bread etc also part of my diet. It’s reassuring to know the redundant colon is not a contributing factor. Any suggestions are so welcome.

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Hi, I just had a colonoscopy and my doctor removed 6 polopys. Thank God they were benign. She told me to take Konsyl everyday. I also have Diverticulosis. She also said to take Miralax and find out how much keeps you from constipation. I have had trouble with my colon since I had RCHOP for NHL. good luck.


I have a Redundant/Tortuous Colon and also Diverticulosis and I am also a Short Bowel Patient (Lost 80% of my Small Bowel and no ICV). I continue to have problems jumping between Diarrhea and Constipation. When I go in for a Colonoscopy after days of Prep the pockets of Diverticulosis are not totally clean. On one Colonoscopy they placed me in the Hospital to do my prep (because they said I didn't do it properly), and they ended up giving me 4 jugs of 4000ml PEG and I still didn't get clean. Because of my Short Bowel I am on a Low Residual Diet, Low Salt, Low Fat diet also. They do find polyps (Tubular Adenomas) each time but so far they are non-cancerous. I will be returning for a Double Balloon Colonoscopy at Northwestern Memorial in July


I’ve been told I have a twisted colon and diverticulitis. I’m supposed to take miralax daily. I guess this is something that cannot be repaired? I’m on the third day after colonoscopy and still have not had a bowel movement. I’m not sure what to expect.


I’ve been told I have a twisted colon and diverticulitis. I’m supposed to take miralax daily. I guess this is something that cannot be repaired? I’m on the third day after colonoscopy and still have not had a bowel movement. I’m not sure what to expect.

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@kjane322, It can take 2 to 3 days before you have a bowel movement after your colonoscopy because you completely emptied your colon and rectum ahead of the procedure.

To help you connect with other members, @prue @glhendricks @landoflakes @fuzzywuzzy1969 who have both a twisted colon and diverticulitis, I moved your question to this discussion:
- Redundant colon plus diverticulosis:

You may also be interested in this related discussion:

- Redundant/Tortuous Colon & Severe Constipation

Jane, do you typically have constipation or hard stools?


@kjane322, It can take 2 to 3 days before you have a bowel movement after your colonoscopy because you completely emptied your colon and rectum ahead of the procedure.

To help you connect with other members, @prue @glhendricks @landoflakes @fuzzywuzzy1969 who have both a twisted colon and diverticulitis, I moved your question to this discussion:
- Redundant colon plus diverticulosis:

You may also be interested in this related discussion:

- Redundant/Tortuous Colon & Severe Constipation

Jane, do you typically have constipation or hard stools?

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Yes, always. I’m now taking miralax daily.


Yes, always. I’m now taking miralax daily.

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Any movement yet?

In reply to @colleenyoung "Any movement yet?" + (show)

Any movement yet?

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Yes….finally! Thank goodness.

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