Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Actually I did several weeks ago but I was not happy with my search that is why I was asking. I thought you might have found some exercises that were especially good.

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Go to YouTube and type in videos for exercises for neuropathy.


Hi Marisa @bugs, Welcome back. It's been a long time since your last post in 2017. In your last post you mentioned having type 2 diabetes and were developing neuropathy symptoms in your arms. I can understand not wanting to take another pill that may not help.

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some alternative treatments listed on their website here that you might find helpful -

How are doing with your diabetes? Have you made any lifestyle changes to help?

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thank you for asking. diabetis is under control, now I have neurophaty in my feet. I feel that I am not getting any answeres from the medical professionals!!! the armas are not bottering me , my blood pressure is 14070 using neurophaty oil for my feed (some days better thatn other) there is not much that I can do about this but I wish that someone would give me a streigh answer why this is happening and not talk to me like I am an idiot.. enyway I just ventet and had a good physical theropy session so I am feeling much better.. thank for you for answereing my enquiry. Thank the heven for Mayo clinick


Yes, I have a 10's unit footbath that has helped me tremendously.

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What brand/model do you have? Was it expensive?


Go on you tube plenty of neuropathy exercises.

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I did some with a TV show on PBS called sit and fit. It actually helped.


Glad it helped. Keep it up. I try to do them every day.


What brand/model do you have? Was it expensive?

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I’ve never heard of this. Does it work? Where can I find one? Thank you.


Go on you tube plenty of neuropathy exercises.

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Try morelifehealthseniors on YouTube. I think it's called "For the lower legs and feet". It's been the best for me.


For those of you with foot discomfort, I just ran across a shoe called Oofos, made for those who spend a lot of time on their. Maybe it will help those with neuropathic feet problems. Anyway, here is the url for the website Hope it helps some of you! My PN is elsewhere on my body.


Good evening @ancopau1998, I thought I would add to your nurse's opinion about Hoka shoes. I got my first pair for myself for Christmas after reading about the company, its mission, and its products. I am 80 years old and cannot risk falling. Yet I still want to do my walks along the river, my Yoga, and a set of stabilizing exercises to keep me from falling. The Hoka's add security and stability to everything I do. The arch support is excellent and they feel like a platform of safety for me. I had the laces removed and replaced with elastic string ties that are much easier to use and actually stay tied.

Good luck with your new shoes.

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Hi Chris. I have Idiopathic PN and HATE wearing shoes. The best I've found so far have been certain Altra styles and Ula Kai flip flops. Altra's original last is larger in the toe area and is more comfortable for me but not every style uses it. Every other shoe I have tried is just too tight around my toes and the front of my feet. My heels are just fine in every shoe, it's just the front and top of my feet that get squished to the point of being so painful I can't wait to kick off my shoes. I tried going with a wide shoe but then the heel is too wide also. So, my question is about the Hoka shoes. How much room is there in the toe area both width and depth -wise? I don't think there is a Hoka store near me to try them on before purchase and I'm tired of online buying only to return the shoes. Anyway, thanks to every/any -one who replies with helpful information. BTW, my PN started in my late teens and I am now 70.


I am 68 years of age and have neuropathy in both feet. Strange feeling…not pain but like I’m walking on crumpled paper. I’m concerned that if not reversible, what are the chances of amputation as it goes on?

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