Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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I have had numbness in the feet and left hand since taking chemo for cancer. The best relief I have found is taking a gabapentin (100mg) at bedtime and rubbing on Mineral Ice. The feet seem to bother me most at night and this combination gives me some relief in order to get to sleep.

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Two things I have tried that work. One, when you wake with the pain apply a prescription Lidocaine patch and the pain goes away. It does not work if you apply earlier. Recently I watched a Mayo video on YouTube and the doctor said to soak your feet in cold water for 10 mins. I add ice to be even colder. I wait until I wake with pain and soak for 10 and watch the TV. It works great.


I will have to try that.


I am desparate for HELP. I have been to a neurologist, he has done a table tilt test, a 72 hr eeg, a cat scan of my brain, with not results found. I have severe spinal stenosis, so waling is difficult. Ater a few minutes of walking I bend forward so severally I cannot move without help. But for the last 2 months that when I do things standing and get tire, whn i sit down I black out. I don't pass out just momentarily black out. I cannot live this way, I tuly want to just fade away, just let this body quit. Help please, ??


I am desparate for HELP. I have been to a neurologist, he has done a table tilt test, a 72 hr eeg, a cat scan of my brain, with not results found. I have severe spinal stenosis, so waling is difficult. Ater a few minutes of walking I bend forward so severally I cannot move without help. But for the last 2 months that when I do things standing and get tire, whn i sit down I black out. I don't pass out just momentarily black out. I cannot live this way, I tuly want to just fade away, just let this body quit. Help please, ??

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I was saddened to read of your situation, and can only imagine your agony in those moments. I “neuropathy” in my brachial plexus required me to retire from a lucrative pediatric dental practice in 2004 at 52. I am now 69 and was diagnosed with a new sensory and motor neuropathy in both legs.
It’s discouraging to be able to track my “decline”. I became interested in medical mission work in 1998, before my initial diagnosis, and had begun traveling internationally with incredible Christian dentists and physicians. I returned 6 days ago from a Ukraine, Gambia, Turkey “medical tour of duty”.
My faith has grown exponentially seeing medical “miracles” in some cases, and other “unexplainable” healing situations over the years that modern medicine can’t explain.
Without my Christian faith, I’m not sure how I could have gotten this far, and I know my journey is about to get more difficult. I don’t know anything about you, but I would encourage you, as in my case, to share all of your pains, fears, burdens, thoughts, etc with Jesus. I’m not a holy roller by any means, but I never miss a day spending time with Him.
I pray for your relief and release from the things and thoughts that are a result of you situation.


I was saddened to read of your situation, and can only imagine your agony in those moments. I “neuropathy” in my brachial plexus required me to retire from a lucrative pediatric dental practice in 2004 at 52. I am now 69 and was diagnosed with a new sensory and motor neuropathy in both legs.
It’s discouraging to be able to track my “decline”. I became interested in medical mission work in 1998, before my initial diagnosis, and had begun traveling internationally with incredible Christian dentists and physicians. I returned 6 days ago from a Ukraine, Gambia, Turkey “medical tour of duty”.
My faith has grown exponentially seeing medical “miracles” in some cases, and other “unexplainable” healing situations over the years that modern medicine can’t explain.
Without my Christian faith, I’m not sure how I could have gotten this far, and I know my journey is about to get more difficult. I don’t know anything about you, but I would encourage you, as in my case, to share all of your pains, fears, burdens, thoughts, etc with Jesus. I’m not a holy roller by any means, but I never miss a day spending time with Him.
I pray for your relief and release from the things and thoughts that are a result of you situation.

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The B vitamins may offer benefits for your brachial plexus. Look for a fast melt sublingual methylcobalamin to bypass the erosion of the digestive system and get in the blood directly. Methylcobalamin offers nerve repair. In addition, use a fat soluble vitamin B1 such as benfotiamine with increased absorption over water soluble forms. Vitamin B1 needs magnesium to become bioactive so adequate levels need to be maintained. In turn activated B1 activates B6 another B vitamin to utilize along with folate (B9). R-alpha lipoic acid offers advantages for brachial plexus as this link explains. Please research each of these suggestions. Always consult with your health care provoder before using any supplement.


Welcome @tomm547, I also have neuropathy but only the numbness which medication doesn't help. Hoping you get some relief with soaking the feet with cold water as suggested by @donaldpickett. Since you mentioned spinal cord simulators I thought you might be interesting in this discussion:

Comparison of Spinal Cord Stimulators from Boston Sci., Nevro:

Is your appointment in 3 weeks for a spinal cord simulator trial to see how it goes?

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Hi, I also just have numbness in feet. It is awful, I have had just slight numbness for about 4 years due to diabetes then when I was Dx 3 years ago with Multiple Myeloma and taking chemo pills it's much worse. What do you do for this? I'm afraid it will become worse and one day not be able to walk or drive! Since no pain there is nothing for numbness. Thank you


Hi, I also just have numbness in feet. It is awful, I have had just slight numbness for about 4 years due to diabetes then when I was Dx 3 years ago with Multiple Myeloma and taking chemo pills it's much worse. What do you do for this? I'm afraid it will become worse and one day not be able to walk or drive! Since no pain there is nothing for numbness. Thank you

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@ancopau1998 There is another discussion on neuropathy with only numbness symptoms that you might find helpful here -

I worried a lot about the numbness getting worse and not being able to drive but I think you just have to take it a day at a time and try to live a healthier lifestyle and exercise some when you are able. I do make sure to keep my legs and feet moisturized and check them daily since the nerves are close to the skin and I think keeping the skin from drying out helps.


Hi, I also just have numbness in feet. It is awful, I have had just slight numbness for about 4 years due to diabetes then when I was Dx 3 years ago with Multiple Myeloma and taking chemo pills it's much worse. What do you do for this? I'm afraid it will become worse and one day not be able to walk or drive! Since no pain there is nothing for numbness. Thank you

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Keep walking, working out and get wt down to ideal.
wear great shoes. I have found Hoka brand pricey but worth every penny. Sleep, sleep as your body needs to rest and repair itself. I take 25mg of THC at bedtime and I'm out for 8 hours. Keep positive.


@ancopau1998 There is another discussion on neuropathy with only numbness symptoms that you might find helpful here -

I worried a lot about the numbness getting worse and not being able to drive but I think you just have to take it a day at a time and try to live a healthier lifestyle and exercise some when you are able. I do make sure to keep my legs and feet moisturized and check them daily since the nerves are close to the skin and I think keeping the skin from drying out helps.

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I have found that if I put cream on my legs and feet, it hurts like heck during the night. I have also noticed the same thing if I put nail polish on my toes. Does anyone else have such a reaction?


Keep walking, working out and get wt down to ideal.
wear great shoes. I have found Hoka brand pricey but worth every penny. Sleep, sleep as your body needs to rest and repair itself. I take 25mg of THC at bedtime and I'm out for 8 hours. Keep positive.

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Hi windsochris, I just got home from the Nephrologist and her nurse had Hoka shoes on. Wow I asked her about them and she also said they are the best shoes she has ever worn, I guess I will try them. She also told me where there is a store that sells them and it's not to far away from me. As far as price if they are great shoes I don't care about price, now gas and food oh no so high! Boo woo!! Thanks for your help I appreciate it very much!!

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