What are things I can do to live well with 3b kidney disease?

Posted by dmccuen219 @dmccuen219, May 14, 2022

I have recently been diagnosed with stage 3b CKD Since February I changed my diet lost 23 lbs and discontinued several meds I meet with a nephrologist on May 20 for my first visit I feel like I am in neutral and empty I am 75 and WAS very active and energetic Really don’t know what else to do Any suggestions

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I am 70, dx with MCD in2019 during a routine annual exam. I consider myself in great health with the exception of osteoarthritis. I recently learned that my eGFR is 59 which put me in the category of 3a CKD. I asked my nephrologist what could I do to improve or maintain my current status. He suggested weight control, moderate exercise and moderate sugars and salt. I have also learned that stress is a factor so I try to meditate often to decrease stress. YouTube is a great place to learn meditation techniques. Stay positive and much success.

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GFR 59 is not too bad considering mine went from 44 to 49 but that was from my previous appointment. I'm a bit surprised that your doctor just said watch your sugar and salt. There are so many other things that you should know if you don't already know. I have read to be careful of your potassium intake, phosphorous can be quite dangerous for your kidneys (mostly found in soda), magnesium, caffeine, protein. I know this can be a bit overwhelming but it is important. I have changed my diet so much and it can be frustrating to have to be so stringent. The DaVita site is wonderful for diet suggestions, etc. Not taking anything away from this wonderful site but it is worth a try. Good luck and keep that 59 going girl.


@sherrycarroll14 As you are finding out, renal dietician seem to be few and far between. Diet tips from American Kidney Fund and Davita can go a long way to helping you find beneficial foods for you. Low potassium diet always meant, to me, no potatoes, bananas, oranges/orange juice, things I used to love. Now that I am on a high dose of furosemide each day, I need to take a potassium supplement.

CKD can have a underlying cause of long-term use of certain medications, other health issues contributing to lower function, or genetic factors. And, as we age it is natural for our kidney function to decline somewhat.

What was your eGFR last time you had it checked? I, too, look forward to hearing your current eGFR!

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Hi Ginger, thanks for your comments. If my memory is correct, my last GFR was 54. Not too bad but I want to make it better. I do go on Davita and other sites to get information and recipe ideas.

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