I can't stop drinking alcohol when I start and I don't know how to say no.

Posted by AnnaMaria @annamaria, Feb 26, 2012

Hi there,

I have a problem. I don't know how to stop drinking once I start. I have good self control when I am not drinking, but when I am, I can't stop drinking. I feel great when I do it, but really bad the next day when I think about it... I can't stop this, but I like it when it is going on and I crave it before. What can I do? It destroying my life, my relationships, my body, my self-esteem (doing stupid things when I was drunk), etc. I would like to go out and enjoy a glass of wine but I can't I end up drinking a bottle. The next day I feel offal and very ashamed of myself. I feel very guilty too.

Does anyone have a similar problem or know some who has similar problem or know what to do in this kind of situation?

Many, many thanks 🙂

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Hello. I'm new to this site so bare with me. I'm an alcoholic. I'm 39 years old and I've been drinking since before I can remember. My issue is the same as yours. Once I start drinking, I can't stop and I end up drinking too much. I too have immense pain and guilt associated with this disease. I have two beautiful children that want me to stop drinking. I can't. Just as a suggestion, if I were you I would try to stay away from things and places that trigger you to start drinking. It's very dificult for me to do but I'm trying.


Hello. I'm new to this site so bare with me. I'm an alcoholic. I'm 39 years old and I've been drinking since before I can remember. My issue is the same as yours. Once I start drinking, I can't stop and I end up drinking too much. I too have immense pain and guilt associated with this disease. I have two beautiful children that want me to stop drinking. I can't. Just as a suggestion, if I were you I would try to stay away from things and places that trigger you to start drinking. It's very dificult for me to do but I'm trying.

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Hi there, I know how hard is especially if you are surrounded with people who are outgoing and much of the time go and have a drink and fun etc, Thank you for answering back and being honest. Sometimes it is hard to talk with other because they don't understand you. If I go with this talk to my friends they will say I am crazy and there is nothing wrong, that I am young and I am enjoying myself. Though, end of the day there is a problem if I am not able to stop myself. I will do my best to avoid the places and things that trigger me and I hope you will find the way too. I am always here if you want to talk because I know how it feels so maybe it will be easy to talk. Thank you again for answering back.


Wow 10 years ago you write this ..I could of wrote this ,😔 hope you are doing well


Wow 10 years ago you write this ..I could of wrote this ,😔 hope you are doing well

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@aussieguy So many things never seem to change, right? Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

How are you doing today? What are the struggles you deal with?


...HOPE I don't sound disinterested, wanted to read as spouse has issue with alcohol, but I wonder how chats come up that are ten years old, if you don't mind my asking. Sometimes I don't even check the dates! Thanks, J.


...HOPE I don't sound disinterested, wanted to read as spouse has issue with alcohol, but I wonder how chats come up that are ten years old, if you don't mind my asking. Sometimes I don't even check the dates! Thanks, J.

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Hi @lacy2 When you see the heading for a post, the date of the original conversation is noted underneath. All the discussions are in chronological order from oldest to newest. You can change the order by looking under the conversation. There’s a menu to reverse oldest to newest. Hope this helps. 😊


Hi @lacy2 When you see the heading for a post, the date of the original conversation is noted underneath. All the discussions are in chronological order from oldest to newest. You can change the order by looking under the conversation. There’s a menu to reverse oldest to newest. Hope this helps. 😊

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..thanks am even going to print out your comment for quick referral as i keep forgetting ,,, J.


I have those same feelings as you except mine is gambling. If someone mentions it seems my mind just goes empty and I want to run to a casino. I heard something last night that is helping me. Let Gods Armour spread over me to protect me. I am finding if I keep saying this it is helping today. I also want to say my son had a problem with drinking. He use to tell me Mom I can't have just one. When he didn't drink he was strong but if he had just one it was all over. Drank to no end once he started. He died in 2018. Find something that keeps your mind busy. I know it is a struggle and it is easy for someone to say that but you have to find that key that helps you. I find if I start working on a project of any kind it keeps me honest. Even pulling weeds has helped. Stay strong.

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