What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing

I was visiting a community hospital recently, waiting in line for a coffee. Across the lobby was a large, beautiful dog. As visitors and patients stopped to pet the dog and talk with the owner, you could literally see how their faces lit up with smiles and their bodies relaxed.

In the week leading up to exams at my daughter's school, they bring in therapy dogs for the students to interact with. It helps reduce anxiety at a very stressful time for students. For many people, animals provide countless health benefits.

Cats, dogs, birds, fish, hamsters: How have animals comforted you, helped with recovery or promoted good health for you?

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In reply to @merpreb "Brandy" + (show)

Aw Merry, she’s so sweet, soulful eyes. Losing our babies is so painful. Riley, our last Golden, has been gone for 5 years. We still miss him daily. He was such a presence in our lives. We’re pet-less right now and it’s so empty in our house.


I have two rescue cats, brother and sister. Brother is friendly and happy, sis is scared to death and won’t be touched but knows me and cares for me. They are five years old and we’re neglected all their lives. She has not been spayed and needs to be. I am 82 and they will surely outlive me. Do I try to rehome them now or keep them longer for company (I do so love them) then make sure they are provided for when I die. I am so conflicted.


I have two rescue cats, brother and sister. Brother is friendly and happy, sis is scared to death and won’t be touched but knows me and cares for me. They are five years old and we’re neglected all their lives. She has not been spayed and needs to be. I am 82 and they will surely outlive me. Do I try to rehome them now or keep them longer for company (I do so love them) then make sure they are provided for when I die. I am so conflicted.

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It’s just my opinion but I would keep them both and have sis spayed. I have 3 all females and they are a lot of company for us so I know you would miss them. It’s ok to make a plan for someone to take care of them when you are gone but you are providing them with a loving home and your company.


It’s just my opinion but I would keep them both and have sis spayed. I have 3 all females and they are a lot of company for us so I know you would miss them. It’s ok to make a plan for someone to take care of them when you are gone but you are providing them with a loving home and your company.

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@kskill39 , and @johnbishop , I wholeheartedly agree with John! Please keep your beloved cats and provide for them after you're gone. You would miss them terribly, I know. I've always had a mixture of dogs and cats, eventually paring down the numbers as they passed on. When finally only one little favorite Yorkie mix was left, (Spike) I fostered chihuahuas and greyhounds for a few years too, but was what they kiddingly refer to as a "failed" foster because I fell in love with one of the senior chihuahuas, Pedro, and formally adopted him.
I'm 86 now, and when I had to sell my house and go into Assisted Living, I had to rehome my beloved Spike to very dear friends. He was 14 by then, and passed away at age 15. I still miss him terribly, and pine for him, or even a little cat, but alas, no pets allowed here. I often feel Spike's presence beside me.
I hope you'll have Miss Kitty spayed and continue living happily with your felines. They are so good for our health, so comforting, and give so much unconditional love. Warmest wishes, Laurie


I have two rescue cats, brother and sister. Brother is friendly and happy, sis is scared to death and won’t be touched but knows me and cares for me. They are five years old and we’re neglected all their lives. She has not been spayed and needs to be. I am 82 and they will surely outlive me. Do I try to rehome them now or keep them longer for company (I do so love them) then make sure they are provided for when I die. I am so conflicted.

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Good afternoon @kskill39. Oh dear, this is a very touchy subject with me. i am a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fan and have had three of them, one being a rescue. I made a commitment to myself that I would not have a dog that outlived me. Cavaliers are such companion dogs. She would miss me and I don't want that to happen. So, I am the one missing my Roxie and Reggie, and Kala.

It may make things worse, however, I can't help belonging to several Cav groups on Facebook. My morning wake up always includes a check on new images in the groups. Maybe I could just be a caregiver for others when they need help with their Cav. Would that even be harder yet to manage? And I too just loved them. They went into my business every day to greet customers. On Saturdays, they put on a dog show at 2:30. I had to limit it because people were coming in all during the day to see their tricks. They got a bit tired of performing.

I will soon be 80. If I did get another one, I would look for one that was being re-homed. I know my breeder does that for folks.

May your memories bring you joy.


Good afternoon @kskill39. Oh dear, this is a very touchy subject with me. i am a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fan and have had three of them, one being a rescue. I made a commitment to myself that I would not have a dog that outlived me. Cavaliers are such companion dogs. She would miss me and I don't want that to happen. So, I am the one missing my Roxie and Reggie, and Kala.

It may make things worse, however, I can't help belonging to several Cav groups on Facebook. My morning wake up always includes a check on new images in the groups. Maybe I could just be a caregiver for others when they need help with their Cav. Would that even be harder yet to manage? And I too just loved them. They went into my business every day to greet customers. On Saturdays, they put on a dog show at 2:30. I had to limit it because people were coming in all during the day to see their tricks. They got a bit tired of performing.

I will soon be 80. If I did get another one, I would look for one that was being re-homed. I know my breeder does that for folks.

May your memories bring you joy.

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@artscaping Hi Chris. Your post touched my heart. As I just posted previously, I always had dogs, cats and even a parrot. When only one little Yorkie was left (Spike), I felt that he was lonely bc I did a lot of volunteer work in the mornings and my neighbor told me Spike was barking all morning. Separation anxiety, I'm sure. I looked up different rescue sites and chose chihuahuas, since Spike was a Yorkie/Chihuahua mix. Because I was approaching 80, I chose more senior chihuahuas so they wouldn't outlive me. My last foster was a 13 year old sweetie named Pedro, and as I related in my previous post, I fell in love with him and formally adopted him.
Fostering King Charles' might be a great option for you. Or even rescuing senior Kings. It's so rewarding and rescues seem to know they've been "saved" and the love and loyalty abound from them. You've already rescued one, so you know that! Checking with your breeder friend is another good option. Also, some breeders have older show dogs that they rehome once they've out-aged their show days. Good luck. Laurie


Here's a story about the Peregrine Falcons at Mayo. Enjoy!

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Here's a story about the Mayo Falcon Chicks class of 2022 and one of their surprise namesakes.


Hi everyone, I have had both cats and dogs most of my life. I have found that when I was stressed out I knew that my animals I had were also able to tell when this would happen. I currently am looking to get another pet but after my rejection from a local shelter I am leery of adopting one even now.


Hi everyone, I have had both cats and dogs most of my life. I have found that when I was stressed out I knew that my animals I had were also able to tell when this would happen. I currently am looking to get another pet but after my rejection from a local shelter I am leery of adopting one even now.

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@rely1ngonhelp Well, not sure why a shelter rejected you, but there are many rescues in different locales. Perhaps you can find a new pet through one of them? What are you looking to add to your family?


@rely1ngonhelp Well, not sure why a shelter rejected you, but there are many rescues in different locales. Perhaps you can find a new pet through one of them? What are you looking to add to your family?

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A cat since I recently lost a cat this year after 17 years.

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