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Sorry just seeing your earlier comments, congratulations on being approved I remember getting that call and it was like a weight had finally been lifted from my heart.

I was my husbands donor one year ago and was 57 at that time and the surgery was very easy for me. I made sure I was in good shape pre-surgery walking 4-5 miles 5 days a week to really make sure I had good strength and think it helped. The day of surgery waking up I was in a little discomfort so they gave me something and I went back to sleep, waking from that I felt fine. The nurse encouraged me to take a pain pill that night in hospital and I decided to take one the following night I got home just in case but didn't take anything after that, occasionally had a twinge in my abdomen but that was it. If you follow their instructions about not over-doing it or lifting anything over a certain weight you should be fine. The day of surgery I didn't eat and then about 10 pm was ravenous and they gave me some crackers - so I'd pack some snacks for yourself. The following morning I had a really light breakfast at the hospital and was good after that, made sure I ate some salads and drank plenty of fluids to keep my GI system going. I did buy an abdominal support as I found myself holding by tummy when I walked - no idea why but it help and wore it for about 2 weeks during the day. Also I would have some summer dresses that don't tie at the waist as you will have 3 incisions and although not painful at all I didn't wear anything that rubbed against the bigger scar for a couple of weeks.
Good luck and so pleased for you and your father - I always say this but truly ever day I am thankful I was able to donate as seeing my husband do so well is wonderful.

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Replies to "Sorry just seeing your earlier comments, congratulations on being approved I remember getting that call and..."

Gracias, muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia, estoy expectante y emocionada. He empezado a escribir en un cuaderno mis pensamientos y emociones pues me ayuda a estar tranquila. Me siento feliz de entrar en este mundo de la donación y a la vez afortunada de poder participar en un acto de amor y fe como este. Por eso entiendo tu felicidad de ver bien a esa persona que tanto amas después del procedimiento. Un abrazo desde Colombia.