Dismissing doctors: How do you find a doctor who can help?

Posted by mahenoor108 @mahenoor108, Mar 28, 2022

I have had chronic pain since 10 plus years, I’m 34 now a mother to a 4 year old and life is getting harder day by day
Ana titer positive
D dimer high
All autoimmune panels negative
No other signs of inflammation
But when doctors examine they can feel the muscles are stiff, contracted, rigid.
They think it’s fibromyalgia but nothing has helped me. Since the past 6 years I’ve been on different medicine, therapies everything.
Every other month a new symptom appears and now I don’t know what to do.
Left thigh is the oldest problem, I have sore rigid muscles and I don’t even know what relaxed muscles feel like.
Some doctors think it’s some autoimmune but are unsure.
My new symptoms in the last 2 months
Extreme anxiety/over eating a lot due to anxiety
Insomnia very recent cannot sleep at all
Contracted muscles/ rigid muscles all the time unintentionally I try to realease as soon as I realize they are contracted
Forgetfulness - forgotten a lot of important times of my school/college life
Brain fog
Sleep talking very recent
Pain in my left knee
As soon as I wake up an put my feet on the ground they feel extremely sore.
My neck is tilted to the left side all the time because of extreme pain
In the past I have had high crp
But not anymore.
Can someone please help me.
I can’t function most days

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Someone may have suggested this before but let me reiterate you have got to find a pain management doctor. They are usually affiliated with a medical center but not always. I cannot tell you how they have saved my life….painwise….Please ask your Drs about how to find one or just Google Pain Management Doctors. It will be life altering…I promise!!! I’m not talking about taking pills….They have many modern alternatives!!!

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I am just discovering that myself that there are alternatives for pain that doesn’t require pills. I am receiving my first Cervical Medial Branch Block and if it is successful I will receive injections that will help me with pain for several months at a time without pain meds which work but are addictive and have bad side effects. I am hopeful.


I am so hopeful for you!!!! You’ve definitely taken the right road to relief!!!!! Remember some things work well ….some don’t….some things work for a while then you may have to try something else!!! At least you’re at the right place and not filling your body with pills!!!!
Good Luck!!!!


I’m sorry to know you are in such pain. Doctor’s aside, that’s a discussion for another time, you might find relief if you are able to find someone certified in myofacsial release. Make sure they are certified. Good luck to you.

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@butterflywings I get a lot of benefit from myofascial release. You may be interested in our discussion on MFR. The beginning pages have lots of links to information.


@butterflywings I get a lot of benefit from myofascial release. You may be interested in our discussion on MFR. The beginning pages have lots of links to information.

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Hi, for unexplained pain you might try and find a Bowen Therapist. It's not main stream medicine but it has helped me a lot. Similar to myo-facia massage but different. I highly recommend it. Make sure you find a good one. They are hard to find.. good or bad.


@butterflywings I get a lot of benefit from myofascial release. You may be interested in our discussion on MFR. The beginning pages have lots of links to information.

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Thank you very much for that suggestion. I have just this week found a therapist certified in MFR! It is a terrible reflection on our healthcare system when the patient has to do their own research. Thanks to everyone here and AmericanBoneHealth I am finally getting valuable information.


Hi, for unexplained pain you might try and find a Bowen Therapist. It's not main stream medicine but it has helped me a lot. Similar to myo-facia massage but different. I highly recommend it. Make sure you find a good one. They are hard to find.. good or bad.

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I am looking at the information re Bowen Massage, do you have a link to any information? Thanks!


I cannot send you the link I have found even though I tried to photograph it and send it … but I do believe I have the right info now. Thank you!


I cannot send you the link I have found even though I tried to photograph it and send it … but I do believe I have the right info now. Thank you!

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This should tell you what you need to know about it and also how to find a practioner


The limited "scopes of practice" among specialists is one reason I have been mentioning functional medicine.

I do think there is a tendency to blame medical issues on psychological factors when doctors cannot find a diagnosis that fits. The body is complicated and diagnoses are determined by insurance codes, essentially using a recipe book rather than a narrative.

I do think we cannot take it personally when a doc's practice is nervous about getting in trouble for prescribing controlled substances like oxycodone or adderall. There are agendas we are not always privy to.

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I'm fine with a neurologist referring me gastroenterologist for that area. I am NOT fine with doctors now using it as an excuse. They can't solve it, so they don't believe you. So they send you to someone else. If, as I have done, you have seen all these specialists, and you still get sent somewhere else. Or as the neurologist did, I didn't have Parkinson's Disease, which I am eternally grateful for, so they were done with me. It takes a patient's time and money to run around and see other doctors in specialties you have already seen. Or, back to one for something that was already diagnosed. If I lived close to Mayo Clinic, I would definitely go to their Fibromyalgia center. There is no cure, and some things just don't work. The battle against Fibromyalgia is on going and most of it is up to the patient. Find things that work.And do them.

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