← Return to Cholangiocarcinoma - Bile Duct Cancer - anyone else dealing with this?

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Thanks your words are encouraging. I have given up on guessing the
timetable and got over myself in terms of fear over dying.

but am lucky my pain level has been low but that may change
Need to schedule time with friends and family
Building my spiritual self up is my top priority
Every year I attend a men's silent retreat in Minnesota for a 4 day weekend
on spiritual exercises of st Ignatius of loyola.
Jesuits are great teachers and I will focus on doing the work Journaling
and reflectiong but also have some one on one time with confessor and

. I leave there Sunday night and start my appointments at mayo on Monday so
I will be prepared to continue this journey .

Thank you and stay in touch, I think we are good for each other.
I prayed a rosary for you tonight and will continue this at 730 each
evening. I find myself praying more for others now than ever before.
I will pray your pain is manageable and that each day you get stronger in
fighting this disease. Bless you and your husband

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Replies to "Thanks your words are encouraging. I have given up on guessing the timetable and got over..."

Hey Bill, it’s funny bcz God blessed me with being a very optimistic person. I’ve always tried to be thankful and appreciate things, but now I am even more more thankful and appreciative for even smaller things. I’ve known even at the sadness of my initial diagnosis that God was going to use this and I’ve tried to be ready and available. The only time I feel like I falter is when I’m in pain (post biopsy, super crazy muscle pain while taking the at home targeted therapy, etc). But you know, pain does something else…it really purifies you bcz you are so laser focused on it that there’s really nothing left except you & God. I mourn for people who don’t have the Lord. Can’t fathom going through this without knowing I have a purpose and life in heaven sonmeday.