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Small Fiber Neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Oct 3, 2023 | Replies (213)

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I have had many of these neuropathy symptoms for 2.5 years. I finally go Wednesday at Tampa FL USF campus for a Snf Skin biopsy. All other tests I have had have not yeilded any diagnosis.

I started medical marijuana about eight months ago and it does relieve a lot of the symptoms but does not relieve them completely. These over the counter cbd stores and their products did NOT work for me at all and that's why I took the next step and went to a state licensed medical marijuana doctor for my medical marijuana card.

I can not understand why so many doctors have no idea what so ever on why these neurological symptoms started etc. All these doctors do is blame anxiety and want to quickly send you out the door with a Rx for anti depressant medication. I'm fed up.

AND All of my doctors that I have seen from neurologist to endocrinologist to cardiologist to primary care doctors to emergency room doctors etc all of them will refuse to even think about the covid virus or other types of viruses starting this avalanche of neurological problems that affect me at least from head to toe. My symptoms affect my extremities my muscles my blood pressure my poles my vision my heart rate my bowels and also my sensory perception with what I can explain as sensory overload where I feel like I have adrenaline rushes through my body like a tidal wave yet all the blood work up for my adrenal glands or my thyroid or my metanephrines or metanephrine free blood tests all come back normal YET I feel awful.
I have been continually sending my neurologist and my cardiologist and my primary care doctor studies done over the last year that directly link long haulers and the covid virus to many of these autonomic nervous system problems under the dysautonomia umbrella. More doctors need to start focusing at least in some part that some of their patients have developed these debilitating neurological symptoms from the covid virus. I just cannot understand why so many specialist in America, and we are supposed to be the most medically advanced country, that they are so far behind on these neurological symptoms and have really no clue at all what to do or how to treat you except for to give you a prescription for antidepressants and blame everything on anxiety and stress. I'm so sick of it

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Replies to "I have had many of these neuropathy symptoms for 2.5 years. I finally go Wednesday at..."

My first disappointment was with a Neurologist. My first three foot Doctors could not help. I found one that has knowledge bout PN, hurrah! With PN affecting so many parts of the body, you would think the "specialists" that we have so many of, would have some knowledge of PN or at least refer you to someone who who could help. My hand Doctor was the one who diagnosed me before my hands were involved! BTW, I use CBD from the Dispensary, and had to try MANY types and formulas to find the one that worked best. Also, for me, Hemp CBD is not as pain relieving! Exercise helps as well. Best wishes!