Hello all!
I am just getting up after my first night’s sleep in our hotel since surgery! After I messaged you that I was listed two weeks ago, I received two offers. On the first I got to the hospital and was ready to go in pre-op when I was told that the donor did not progress fast enough. 1st dry run, which I expected might happen. The next day I received another that I found out the follow morning was also off. So, headed to Mayo that morning last Friday for my final labs of the week. While checking in I got another call from procurement asking me to instead go the the hospital to get admitted. It was finally a GO!
I was discharged on day four post op! My new liver has kicked in like it was where it needed to be to keep me alive and well. So far, all my numbers have have balanced or on their way to being where they need to be.
Sorry for being so long winded but, I can’t even explain how happy, incredible, fortunate and blessed I am after this life changing series of events. To be laying here in bed five days since transplant is an absolute miracle in my life. I pray for the donor and his family daily and will cherish and nourish my new liver like no other. The donor and his family have given me a new life that means more to me, my wife, my family and friends than my words can even begin to describe. I am truly blessed. This experience has changed me in ways that I could ever explain.
Again, thank you for your support and being there for me from the beginning. I’ve never met any of you but you will all be remembered. Thank you.
Brian, Congratulations!
Your words perfectly express the miracle of receiving an organ transplant. My eyes filled with tears of happiness as I read your account from your hotel room.
I am filled with joy are hearing of your news. I expect that your schedule is busy and I know that you will need to catch up on your rest while you recover from
I look forward to updates!