← Return to Fibromyasia



Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Oct 14, 2012 | Replies (30)

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Yes, it's bad--I can't even concentrate long enough to spell it correctly--sorry Fibromyalsia..

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Replies to "Yes, it's bad--I can't even concentrate long enough to spell it correctly--sorry Fibromyalsia.."

I started having symptoms after hysterectomy 7 mos ago. Would love to share and listen to your experiences. Message me

Sorry to hear that you have to go through this also. I have been dealing with it for over 25 years. When I first started with the pain, I was tested for MS, had milograms, spinaltaps, you name it & I had it. 25 years ago there was no name for fibromyalsia. I was eventually diagnosed with myofibrositis, fibromyositls, whatever they could think of, I guess..... I guess it will be back to PT for me, I have tried everything else that I have used over the years, including doubling up on my fentynal patch & 750 vicodens.... ROM is not working, heat is not working, cold is not working, my infrared lamp is not working. Wish there was a miracle out there.... Sorry to sound so down--I'm just not generally in so much pain.

Hi, I'm also sorry that you have to go through all this pain. I was diagnosed 30 years ago at Mayo and like luvmychihuahuas, that was back when they still called it fibromyositis. I don't know if it is the weather or stress or what, but I, too, have been going through so much pain, fatigue, and weakness over the last several months. Unfortunately, I can't take any of the medicaitons they now have for fibromyalgia, I don't tolerate them. I'm doing my best not to be too crabby around here, but somedays when I can't do the stuff I want and/or need to do I do get a little frustrated. Like I said, I've had it for 30 years and I was very active during most of those years, working as a nurse, raising a family, taking care of other family members etc., Now, over the last few months, I'm lucky if I get showered and dressed on a daily basis. It's been at least 5 years since I've had a flare like this - the good news is, it will eventually pass and I will be back to my normal, achy, ornrey, active self.

I feel exactly the same, Lucy Anna. Do you live in WI? I'm kind of thinking that it is the damp weather that we have been having--not sure, but that is my guess. It is so frustrating when you are used to being active & get to the point where taking a shower is a chore. Yesterday i had to force myself to shower & run to pick up prescriptions & a few groceries. It was a miserable trip. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.... I really wish that I could afford to move to a tropical climate. Whenever I had taken trips to Mexico, within a day, the pain almost disappears. It has been several years for me also since I have had a flare up this bad. Tomorrow my plan is to call my Dr. & see if I can get a referral to go back to PT. That will be my last resort to get on the road to feeling better. Thank goodness that my kids are grown & don't have to deal with my crabbiness right now....!! I too worked & raised a family during the whole time. Did you go through the injections? I did that also & it just created more spasms, which in turn caused more pain. Wouldn't you think that there would be something that would help people like us...

Do u know anything about filing for disability benefits? It is becoming impossible for me to work due to my fibromyalgia symptoms. I am considering filing for disability but It is very confusing. I think I am reading that
you can't be working while waiting to be approved? Do you know if that is correct? I just don't know how to survive without a check for awhile. seems like a no win situation

I hear you that is my feelings too. Everything will be okey .Try every possible way .

I am quite sure that you can be working when you file for a disability. Good luck with everything. I was a state employee for 34 years & retired @ 55 because I was no longer able to work because of the pain & our present guv's take-aways. Let me know how your disability works out .