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DiscussionAnyone had experience with OsteoStrong, who is not a franchisee?
Osteoporosis & Bone Health | Last Active: Feb 25 2:13pm | Replies (430)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "I was scared for a hot minute. Imagine my relief to find I was only "bird-boned"..."
Morning rubyz~
I appreciate getting your reply. I'm so sorry you have been suffering with this condition for so long...not that even a moment of this would be easy to handle. You must be a very brave and committed to life, soul...hope you give yourself a little pat on your back, now and then.
Is your 'diet' for this condition limited to your protein chose as well as other foods? I've recently switched to a more plant-based way of eating and looking to get every gm. of protein I can...sorta obsessed with this now, I think. Pea protein is now in favor as it contains more protein then other vegetables..which is none...
Garden of Eden has a good pea protein powder..I've been using it..good in a smoothie. Maybe a more Mediterranean way of eating might give you the necessary calories and proteins to assist you in not only gaining some weight back..but also in a healthy, balanced way. I still eat eggs, turkey bacon, chicken, salmon, turkey....but no dairy or meat....I feel ever so much better these days. Good luck with this...I know you'll find a way to re-build your body.
The reasoning/data, behind vibration plates..to my understanding..is that it emits a certain hz frequency, that our bodies are attuned to. NASA had to find a way for their astronauts to re-gain there bone-density after time in space, with no gravity. They developed a couple projects of improving bones like trampoline jumping....but an enhanced version, a professional one. (I have a "Rebounder" that I use..well me and my cat.)
It does more than walking on a treadmill...it's an ant-gravity force...one of the other projects they developed and used was vibration plate therapy...Granted..they used the large industrial ones....but the hz for healing is still at between 12-40hz....These two things caught my attention..so I use them now. Not sure what my next DEXA will show...due to get one in July.
Seems like all of us that are on this post have more than one or two or more health issues. It's so refreshing to be among such a strong, dedicated, inquisitive group of folks. May we prosper!