Hello @bchbych48, Thank you for the private message. I thought I would respond to you in this discussion (Does Stem Cell Therapy work for Neuropathy?) so that you can read the experiences shared by other members who have tried or looked into stem cell treatment for neuropathy. I referrenced this discussion in a reply to your first post but I'm not sure you saw it.
You mentioned having increasing burning pain and equilibrium problems and haven't had any help from the doctors or 6 different neurologists you've seen. @julkun, @jimbeams21524, @don261 and others have mentioned stem cell therapy wasn't helpful. I mentioned my thoughts on stem cell treatment in a post earlier in this discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/617347/
Neuropathy can definitely affect equilibrium and cause balance problems. I have balance issues too and have learned to do the senior shuffle quite well, especially during the winter months 🙂 The following article has some exercises to help with balance - Exercises for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.healthline.com/health/exercises-for-peripheral-neuropathy
Here's some information that might be helpful if you look into stem cell treatment -- The International Society for Stem Cell Research has created a take-along PDF handbook with information to help you and your family make informed decisions about stem cell treatments.
— https://www.closerlookatstemcells.org/patient-resources/#handbook
Have you done any research on other complementary or integrative treatments like those listed on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy here? - https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/complementary-therapies/
John Bishop,
Thank You for your information! The reality seems that the stem cell idea is just that. . . an idea.
Can you comment on https://lasertechpainrelief.wordpress.com?
Also, there is a TV commercial with restorenervepain.com. Please watch and comment on these two videos. Thanks!
Thanks,C E Harris
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