Feeling tired! Do others with PMR feel significantly more tired?

Posted by lcb2021 @lcb2021, Mar 15, 2022

Hi, I was wondering whether others with PMR tend to feel significantly more tired than normal. I'm on 10 milligrams of prednisone which keeps me awake and focused for several hours, but by the afternoon I usually hit a wall and have trouble finishing work, which means I have to work extra hours over the weekend (remote/computer based work). Not sure if it's due to coming down from the steroids, the PMR, or both? Thanks!

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@milld835 -- @lindapc, @artist01, @kimh, and others have posted about Moon Face in other prednisone related discussions and may have some thoughts to share with you. There's also another discussion on the side effects of prednisone you might find helpful.

Prednisone Side Effects: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/prednisone-side-effects-1/

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Oh yes, moonface! Also depending on the dosage, a fat ring can develop around the back of your neck. Also, increased appetite and mood swings. Having said that, prednisone does help with the pain of internal inflammations. In my opinion, it is a blessing and curse all at once. I'm still unable to get off prednisone after 4 years.


Yes my rheumatologist warned me that after being on steroids for more than two months the moon face and weight gain would begin. I did develop the moon face on 16 mg of methyl prednisone but after reducing sugar and carbs and drinking more water the moon face has lessened significantly.

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Yes. I've cut out sugar, salt and most carbs and go thru a gallon jug of water per day. Pharmacist looked it up for me and, because my ears feel full all the time and I'm having pressure behind my eyes also, that it is probably edema. Actually, my whole diet has changed since January. Oh well...will keep on keepin' on.


Oh yes, moonface! Also depending on the dosage, a fat ring can develop around the back of your neck. Also, increased appetite and mood swings. Having said that, prednisone does help with the pain of internal inflammations. In my opinion, it is a blessing and curse all at once. I'm still unable to get off prednisone after 4 years.

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Thank you...all of the above. Dosage is now 15 mg. Mood swings are terrible. I feel so angry sometimes, particularly in the morning. Also, quite shakey. Appetite had settled down, but since trying to wean, my appetite has increased. It is quite the roller coaster ride. Thank you for your response. 🙂


Fatigue yes. I do sleep well at night, but legs have been so tired, after a trip to the store and such. They feel heavy. It returned when I began weaning from the Prednisone. Started weaning down another notch a couple of days ago. Neurologist advised 2.5 down. Personally I think 1 mg would be sufficent. Woke up with pain between shoulder blades this morning and a headache. I will stick with it for a couple of weeks and hopefully it will level off. Bloodwork this afternoon.

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I went down by 1/2 mg. It is not a race.


I went down by 1/2 mg. It is not a race.

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It is affecting my eyesight, so in a way it's a race. I would prefer a 1/2 mg but Neurologist is going for 2.5 every couple of weeks.


QUESTION: Has anyone on Prednisone experienced the "Moon Face"? My weight has not fluctuated up or down, but I now have this extremely round face and huge double chin. Heading for the Buddah look. The upside is that it smooths out the wrinkles. Have you heard of this affecting ears, i.e. pressure in the ears on both sides? I have this as well.

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Hi @mild835, the Moon face is one of the side effects of prednisone. At the higher dosage of prednisone, I noticed a moon face, but it made me look healthier, as my PMR and GCa resulted in anorexia. I was down to 93 lbs. and looked like a little bird. I've been able to gain 10 lbs. On a low dosage of prednisone, my cheeks are filled in and rosy so I don't look like death warmed over anymore.


I am so tired --- and mentally - I can't get interested in anything ------- currently on 7.5 mg daily prednisone --- 8 / 2.5 mg of methotrexate 1 day a week ------ so -- is it prednisone 'overload' or methotrexate 'overload' OR the combo of both - 'overload' ?? ------------ desperate to back to my ole self ----- got a lot of work to do ----


Hi @mild835, the Moon face is one of the side effects of prednisone. At the higher dosage of prednisone, I noticed a moon face, but it made me look healthier, as my PMR and GCa resulted in anorexia. I was down to 93 lbs. and looked like a little bird. I've been able to gain 10 lbs. On a low dosage of prednisone, my cheeks are filled in and rosy so I don't look like death warmed over anymore.

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I'm glad you're turning a negative into a positive. At least my wrinkles are smoothed out. LOL. As far as weight...at the moment it's still the same. Nothing but good vibes for a steady gain in weight for you. ~ Deb


I am so tired --- and mentally - I can't get interested in anything ------- currently on 7.5 mg daily prednisone --- 8 / 2.5 mg of methotrexate 1 day a week ------ so -- is it prednisone 'overload' or methotrexate 'overload' OR the combo of both - 'overload' ?? ------------ desperate to back to my ole self ----- got a lot of work to do ----

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Hi @wv54, PMR and GCA made me do less, rest when I don't feel good, break tasks down so they're manageable, and generally slow down. My life is smaller until maybe someday it won't be ... cut yourself some slack. Is there anyone who can give you a hand?


I’m down to 4 mg and the fatigue isn’t as acute but I still need to take a nap early afternoon. This totally recharges me for the rest of the day. Listen to your body.

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