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Mysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?

Lung Health | Last Active: May 27 5:58pm | Replies (3353)

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Hi kelly
I have acid reflux
And i using ppi and other medicine for so i think its not relation between them
Recentlly i find out when im in public or talking whit other my symptoms get worse
Some people beleive this is OCD , like when someone wash his hands regularly
But i know for me whatever it is related to anxiey even when i dont feel anxious
I hate to be anyone who have to use medicine for rest of my life
My jaw and throat are hurt because of fighting whit it

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Replies to "Hi kelly I have acid reflux And i using ppi and other medicine for so i..."

GERD and SILENT REFLUX, can cause some vocal chord dysfunction - which can lead to shortness of breath……sometimes hoarseness of your voice - and a feeling of running out of air when you talk. There could be more than one thing going on here at the same time. GERD and SILENT REFLUX, are famous for being related to a number of things. Just one more thing for you to ponder and explore. There is some interesting reading on all of this. I can feel that you are frustrated…….I have been down a similar road…….You are not alone!!!

@mostafamahjoori how long have you been taking PPIs? Getting off of them after taking them for a while can lead to a rebound effect, but staying off them long enough, the body will adjust once again. Do you know what foods might trigger the acid reflux? For me, it was just about every food so I knew I had something beyond just normal heart burn.

Does your jaw hurt because of straining it trying to get a big breath?