← Return to Completed 5 years of anastrozole. Withdrawal symptoms? Side effects?

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I have taken anastrozole for 5 years. Over that time I have experienced joint pain, especially in my knees. This winter my pain got worse and the way you describe what you are experiencing is exactly how I would describe my pains. I assumed it was related to other things. I have now stopped taking anastrozole and the pain around my knees is becoming unbearable. The pain comes from around the knee and there is stiffness in the joint and yes it does seem to be in the tendons and moves around not always in the same place. It is very uncomfortable when I try to sleep at night. Hopefully this is withdrawal symptoms and will go away in time. Thank you for sharing what you are going through as I hadn't made the association with the pain to ceasing the medication until I read yours and other similar stories

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Replies to "I have taken anastrozole for 5 years. Over that time I have experienced joint pain, especially..."

I'm no expert on anastrozole and others who know more will opine, but I would, want to see an orthopedic or related specialist just in case there is something that be addressed and prevent further issues. 'Unbearable pain' is a signal needing attention in my book...I mean there are only a few ways our bodies can get our attention, fever and pain being it's favorites ;‐)

For what it's worth, I took anastrozole for 5 weeks and developed a first-ever limp/pain in my leg that went away when I quit anastrozole then returned within two days when I resumed it. It's now been two months since I took it and the limp/pain is slowly fading buy not yet gone entirely. I don't know what the mechanism is that causes the arthralgia and hope it goes away 100%. I had had a recent DEXA scan so we can rule out bone damage at least.