Migraine headache: What helps you cope?

Posted by mahmoood2003 @mahmoood2003, Dec 10, 2019

I had one patient had sever migraine attack for more than 5 years, become worse last year making all investigation , blood test all negative.
Nowdays migraine more when eating bread, corn, some food. I tried most pain killers no benifit

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Lamictal has been so helpful for my daughter, who has both migraines and temporal lobe seizures.

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Thank you @windyshores. I'll check it out.


The impression that I get from going to youtube for exercise precisely for migraines is that neck stretches (if you can do them) are probably the best and breathing exercises (called by so many different names they are ridiculous). Since migraines are so complex it's best that you check with your doctor to make sure that any exercise that deals with stretching your neck muscles won't make things worse.

Does anyone have exercises that help them?

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Sit in a chair and get up and down 30x , each time turning your head from side to side. That's what my PT has me do.


Sit in a chair and get up and down 30x , each time turning your head from side to side. That's what my PT has me do.

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I'll give it a try! What other exercises does he have you do?


Walk straight a distance and turn your head up, down, side to side while keeping up the walking pace. Put your thumb in front of your eyes and move your head side to side keeping thumb there. Do not move your head. Then, the usual balance on one foot with eyes closed.


I am very glad for you! But, if you have medicare they probably won't cover it.

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I have Medicare, but my pharmacy coverage is not Medicare. I just looked at the goodrx info and you can use it with Medicare or any insurance. I have used it 3 times at the same pharmacy I have used for 20 years.


Will you please explain this? I tried getting the coupon and the site said that because of medicare I wasn't eligible for it.

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You need to be just about homeless to use any of those Rx coupons.


I just read about goodrx and you can use it with Medicare or any insurance co.

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I just used good RX at my pharmacy at Walmart again. They said I did not need to bring in the coupon they will just put goodrx in my file. I do not have a Medicare D. I think last year I could not us it, but works now. My friend in Utah gave me the info. Just try.


You need to be just about homeless to use any of those Rx coupons.

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That is not true there is no income questions . I have a decent income. Not low income. It is called GoodRX.com.


In reply to @pwgrimes….I guess it must depend on where one lives as I live in a small town in northern Minnesota and I have never seen such a good price😔

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You get about 6 pharmacy’s cost and you pick the one. Some are better than Walmart, but I don’t want to move the prescription.


Will you please explain this? I tried getting the coupon and the site said that because of medicare I wasn't eligible for it.

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I do not understand why you are not able to use it. Are you putting in Goodrx.com. They ask no questions, just put your zip code and med, then the prices come up. I have a plan G , plus a supplement and my own drug plan from another company, not affiliated with Medicare. If you have Medicare Advantage it may not work. At the end of their documents it gives the coverage. All insurance plus Medicare. There is no income questions. Maybe call them to get the answers. I am not giving you false information.

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