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@windyshores Hi! I have some catching up to do with you but saw this, good info as I'm seeing a physiologist Monday and onto PT (I hope). I have balance issues in addition to osteoporosis so this is another one of your little gems! I've been doing days and days of research on all of the drugs we've spoken of, hence my absence here. Came home from a 2nd opinion Endo consult earlier and my head is spinning even more. I figured I'd be thrown for a loop by personality alone but the meds? Fosamax/Alendronate—that wasn't really my radar. While many others, the side effect which immediately caught my attention: was esophagus and GI problems. Had esophagitis 3 times—one warranted a scope. They found a narrowing at the end. This one was different than the other 2 times: eating became problematic with some foods more than others. Swallowing felt like a test tube where food wouldn't go up or down, sitting in the middle. Gagging, gasping for breath, it had to go somewhere with me forcing it either up or down if I could. As I understand it, one must take it staying fully upright (no sitting, standing or walking) for at least 30 minutes after swallowing the tablet. And don't lie down after your first food of the day. Just starting to take a look but this sounds archaic to me, geez, Evenity's starting to flicker after hearing that! We went through the different drug classes...said she's 'old school' Evenity is too new for her, was lukewarm or middle ground on Forteo, Tymlos. I told her of my bad Reclast experience, the first drug I ever took for osteoporosis. She said that's still an option if I want to take the chance but was really driving home the Fosamax. I found it a bit odd to be asked 3 times during the consult if I'd made a decision yet. I went there because I couldn't make a decision and wanted a fresh eye or different perspective, she was a bit miffed about not making my mind up right then and there. Handed me scripts for labs which she wanted and pointed me to a LabCorp conveniently located on the next floor : / I feel like getting my jammies, stuffing my arsenal of pillow protectors around me in bed and watching bad TV or something. Lol, scrambled eggs for brain right now. I hope you're doing well!

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Replies to "@windyshores Hi! I have some catching up to do with you but saw this, good info..."

Do you have esophagitis? Did they biopsy your esophagus?

I have GERD and could not do Fosamax/oral biphosphanate. I tried it for a week and then it went on my record that I had "failed" it so insurance would cover something else! If you have had esophagitis then I would think those drugs are a definite no. I am really surprised by this doc. Maybe it has to do with insurance?

Evenity seems to have fewer side effects but it newer. I was torn but decided on Tymlos due to the ability to adjust dose.

I think we all know how you feel. I am in my pj's at this very moment watching something light on Netflix! Cozy up! I hope you can do Tymlos or Evenity.

I generally like my doctors to be very conservative about meds and reluctant to prescribe the hottest new drug on the market which cannot and does not have any truly long-term studies showing side effects (as Prolia does not), permanent consequences from using or safety record. On the other hand, Fosamax and the bisphisphonates are associated with known long-term risks, e.g., longitudinal femur fractures, risks of brittle bone and, less common, osteonecrosis of the jaw. And ineffectiveness. I think it's difficult to establish a drug action plan that one can feel truly secure and confident about and hope better choices are on the horizon.