Tired of depression meds: At a loss of what to do

Posted by jane2022 @jane2022, Feb 19, 2022

Having suffered with depression for years during and after a failed marriage onto bad online relationships which lead to my suicide attempt. I’m at my wits end coming off Effexor now and feeling desperately depressed.
Doctor wants me to start mirtazaphine now but just reading side effects has put me off.
I am at a loss what to do!

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I have had TMS therapy on 3 occasions and they proved quite beneficial for both depression and anxiety. The benefit from each lasted about 8 months and probably would have gone longer had I made use of individual/group therapy... particularly GBT.

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What is TMS and GBT??


I’m 8 months off a terrible withdrawal from 25 years of Paxil. So hoping I could live without meds but I think I need something. Am not well mentally at all. The SNRI’s that have been recommended to me all have awful side effects. I wonder if a different SSRI would work or not. I want my life back

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I was on Paxil for 25 years. I tapered myself off in 9 months without my doctor’s knowledge. I was fine for about 4 months and then things started going haywire. To make a long story short, I was told by two doctors that my problems were most likely the result of coming off the Paxil. It may have been too fast for me. I am now taking low dose Prozac which is much much easier to taper. Effexor, an SNRI, and Paxil are probably the two worst to taper.


I was on Paxil for 25 years. I tapered myself off in 9 months without my doctor’s knowledge. I was fine for about 4 months and then things started going haywire. To make a long story short, I was told by two doctors that my problems were most likely the result of coming off the Paxil. It may have been too fast for me. I am now taking low dose Prozac which is much much easier to taper. Effexor, an SNRI, and Paxil are probably the two worst to taper.

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Thx for your reply. I did a Genesight test and Paxil was in my yellow zone. I like what I read about Prozac with few side effects and easier to come off of, but it is also in my yellow zone :/
I think my brain damaged after 25 years.
How long after your taper did you start Prozac? How long have you been on it? Are you on it for depression and anxiety?


Thx for your reply. I did a Genesight test and Paxil was in my yellow zone. I like what I read about Prozac with few side effects and easier to come off of, but it is also in my yellow zone :/
I think my brain damaged after 25 years.
How long after your taper did you start Prozac? How long have you been on it? Are you on it for depression and anxiety?

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I was off the Paxil completely for roughly 4 months. I’ve been taking Prozac for about 2 years. I’ve also been tapering 25 years of Xanax 3mgs. per day for 25 years. Two years also. I switched to Valium for the taper and am now on 7.5 mgs of that per day. I feel kind of stuck at this dose, but have come a long long way. My new doctor is great about letting me guide the taper. I’ll cut again soon and see what happens. I’m 69, I’m not going to have a stroke over this. Debilitating anxiety has always been my issue. I’ve never done the gene test, what is the yellow zone?


I was off the Paxil completely for roughly 4 months. I’ve been taking Prozac for about 2 years. I’ve also been tapering 25 years of Xanax 3mgs. per day for 25 years. Two years also. I switched to Valium for the taper and am now on 7.5 mgs of that per day. I feel kind of stuck at this dose, but have come a long long way. My new doctor is great about letting me guide the taper. I’ll cut again soon and see what happens. I’m 69, I’m not going to have a stroke over this. Debilitating anxiety has always been my issue. I’ve never done the gene test, what is the yellow zone?

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So going from Paxil to Prozac worked for you? How is it now?
My psych has never let me take a benzo 🙁


So going from Paxil to Prozac worked for you? How is it now?
My psych has never let me take a benzo 🙁

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To be perfectly honest I really don’t think antidepressants work. I just talked to my doc and cut my Prozac from 20 mgs. to 10 mgs. I feel no different. The only thing that truly works for really bad anxiety and panic are benzodiazepines. This is only my opinion and my life experience. I started on the Prozac because I was desperate and willing to do anything at that point in my life 2 years ago. I will eventually get off the Prozac. Do some research on SSRI’s. I completely understand why your doctor won’t prescribe a benzo. When they work they work and then they don’t work anymore. That’s where you can get into a lot of trouble with the Benzos.


I was off the Paxil completely for roughly 4 months. I’ve been taking Prozac for about 2 years. I’ve also been tapering 25 years of Xanax 3mgs. per day for 25 years. Two years also. I switched to Valium for the taper and am now on 7.5 mgs of that per day. I feel kind of stuck at this dose, but have come a long long way. My new doctor is great about letting me guide the taper. I’ll cut again soon and see what happens. I’m 69, I’m not going to have a stroke over this. Debilitating anxiety has always been my issue. I’ve never done the gene test, what is the yellow zone?

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Genesight tests dna for metabolism with antidepressants….


I know what the test is for. What does the yellow zone indicate?


Just imagine it is med for diabetes. You HAVE to have it. Just plan for lifelong medication for your brain to think right.

I’ve been on Paxil for 25+ years. I added 1 mg off Abilify and now my winters are HEAVEN! I plan to be on something my whole life. I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disease. I still needed pregnancies so I couldn't do lithium.


I know what the test is for. What does the yellow zone indicate?

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Use with caution

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