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Hi Lisa! Been a while since we’ve had a chance to catch up. Wow, you’re coming up on your 2 year check already? Congratulations! I’ll be on my 3rd birthday in June. We’ll celebrate together…with my imaginary glass of champagne. Still no alcohol for me but I have lovely bottle of Welch’s grape juice in the fridge. 😅

I was happy to see you here in the MM group and just referred a newly diagnosed member (@tml ) to you, who is getting started with Revlimid and might be having a SCT coming up. Since I didn’t have an auto transplant, maybe you can give her a little more information about what she may expect in the future.
How are your grandkids and that little puppy who is now fully grown?

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Replies to "Hi Lisa! Been a while since we’ve had a chance to catch up. Wow, you’re coming..."

Hi Lori! It has been that long! Will have to get in touch again in June! How have you been? I have been fair, which is actually my "good" new normal. We have survived both the disease, AND the 3rd (or 4th?) Covid surge! I am grateful for both! I have a new Granddaughter, who just turned 6 mo. old. She was a tiny preemie of 2 lb 14 oz. She is thriving now! I have seen the grandchildren more this past month, which is my best medicine. I have decided to take early retirement, and spend my better days/energy for family. And yes, Bear is fully grown, and has been my shadow. He is very protective of me. I am still on Pomalyst maintainance, but he did decrease it to 3 mg in November. Not much change, but a little less toxicity potential. My M-Spike has alternated between negative (twice, to positive, since last June. But my Kappa Light Chains and Kappa/Lambda Ratio are still normal range. My Creatanine and GFR are elevated this month, for the 1st time, so I am nervous about this! I go for follow up tomorrow. I would be more than happy to chat with anyone who needs encouragement, and share my journey. It really helps when we know we are not alone. So sorry for the long post! I do need to get on here more often!

My husband won't do the transplant. How are you doing without it?