Is this a COVID crash? Any suggestions on how to stop a crash?

Posted by liz58 @liz58, Feb 25, 2022

I learned about the covid crash in class. I am not sure I experienced one until this week, I have been getting headaches but this headache started Monday and it subsidies but sort of lingers. It that the crash? I have had about 5 of these headaches since my covid Nov 2020. I can't figure anything that pinpointed it as a trigger, I have migraine med, it helped but didn't take headache away. Any suggestions on how to stop the crash as I'm on day 5. If this is considered a crash.

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I truly believe we are well on the way to calling post-Covid syndrome a brain injury.
Absent specific, quantifiable tests for these things, it takes a long time to define, document & systematize illnesses. The second complication is that long-Covid manifests in thousands of different ways. The third is that there is not a good agreement on how to document that the symptoms were caused by Covid, and were not a coincidence.
I'm sure most people who are just struggling to get through the day don't want to hears this, but agreeing to participate in post-Covid research might help.

Best wishes to each of you for a full recovery.

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I think research will help. I’ve tried to donate plasma and get into multiple studies and they are all full. It is a weird coincidence that after having Covid living my life is not possible. When before I was an obese, casual smoker with controlled high blood pressure. I did multiple 5ks had a full time job went to happy hour twice a week, hung out & kept up with 25-30 yr olds. Now I spend my days scared, filled with anxiety, using a Cpap forgetting to flush the toilet, not making it to the bathroom because I was distracted on my way there, no interest in sex, or the energy to do it, or climb stairs or anything for that matter. Coindence. NO. After effects of Covid 19 double pneumonia untreated because it’s not anything because 1/2 the country doesn’t think so. YES. These comments are what are making us all insane. Thanks for your well wishes though.


I had a relatively mild case in July 2020. I have not been the same since! Started with pain across the front of my head and sinuses, itching scalp, spontaneous bruising and recently itching on my legs and arms. I also had tremors which led to a diagnosis of panic attacks??? I have had treatment for each (most unsuccessful) but this continues to today. When I mention Covid most doctors ignore this as a cause!


Hello everyone. My name is Joel and I am an RN in Minnesota. I don't know if this is a crash or not, but 54 days out from original diagnosis and I feel worse now than I did then. I though I had strep throat so I went to get tested for strep, flu, and COVID. I am positive for COVID. I self tested 1.5 weeks ago and was negative. So now I wonder if this is the same infection or if I am re-infected. Between the sore throat and wheezing, it is really hard to sleep. I'm tired all of the time. And now since I test positive again, I have to wait to see if I can go to work!

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Hey @joelf, I wanted to say welcome. Let me see if I got your timeline correct. You have COVID 54 days ago. 1.5 weeks ago your self-test showed you were negative for COVID infection. But 2 days ago you tested positive and you feel awful - sore throat, wheezing and poor sleep. Have I got that right?

Sounds like reinfection to me, but I'm not a doc. Did you get that confirmed?


Hey @joelf, I wanted to say welcome. Let me see if I got your timeline correct. You have COVID 54 days ago. 1.5 weeks ago your self-test showed you were negative for COVID infection. But 2 days ago you tested positive and you feel awful - sore throat, wheezing and poor sleep. Have I got that right?

Sounds like reinfection to me, but I'm not a doc. Did you get that confirmed?

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Hi Colleen. Thank you. Yes, it is a confirmed reinfection. I am being treated with a combo antiviral, Paxlovid and I am on day 3 of 5. I have not experienced an illness like this before, especially without having a fever. I did have a fever early on, but now I have of joint pain, muscle twitches, dizziness, sleepiness, a lot of coughing and wheezing, sore throat, and a horrible metallic taste in my mouth. My cough is mostly unproductive, but when I do get something up, it is thick and white.

Doesn't it seem strange to have a reinfection so soon? I even received a booster vaccine after the first case. Perhaps I got it too soon, or this is a variant that the vaccine does not cover.

After my first infection I had tremors. My provider started me on propranolol and seems to have stopped those. I had patients ask me if I was nervous because my hands were shaking. I was afraid Parkinson's was setting in. I just want to be over this and go back to work!


Does anyone experience symptoms before a "crash"? E.G., my friend's finger and feet get cold before experiencing other (more severe) symptoms like headache, tiredness chest pressure. So at the sign of the cold feet, etc. he takes Ibuprofen. Thankfully He is now seeing a long covid specialist...

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I have been noticing that I do get dizzy and a headache. Prior to crashing. Then I am tired and sleep for a few days qhen I overdo it

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