Intermittent fecal/sulfur breath odor

Posted by pbleonar @pbleonar, Jun 8, 2017

After scouring the web, I'm certain I'm not the only person with this problem, and not the only person who's been told they were imagining it. Anyway, the issue is I have intermittent odors when I talk (yes, I've been to the dentist 10+ times-- all say my oral hygiene is on point and xrays and inspections showed nothing). The only time it's practically non-existent is when I eat an unhealthily low-carb diet. Like others online, I've had CT scans, Barium swallows, endosocopy/colonoscopy, screening for parasites (getting one more from an IDS before crossing that off my list). All showed up negative. I tested positive for SIBO, but after researching that for the past 3 years, I'm certain SIBO is more of a symptom than a primary causal problem. Furthermore, even when I treated SIBO with heavy antibiotics, it did absolutely nothing for my breath-- and yes I was cleared of SIBO after a couple rounds of work. yet, the moment I eat carbs, I still get a "did someone just s*it themselves?" comment.

I guess what I'm getting at is I'm tired of doctors just saying it's IBS and SIBO and then proceeding to do zero investigating afterwards. I want to get down to the root cause of this, but most doctors are either too apathetic or too incompetent to do anything. Are there any researchers who specialize in studying and diagnosing hard to find problems in the GI tract? Between the 3 GI docs, 2 ENTs, 2 NDs and 1 IDS, I just can't take normal doctors anymore. I want my life back and I want a specific root cause so I can work on progressing from there.

Further notes: Diarrhea actually cleared up when I ate junk food and I had zero bloating, albeit the odor remained.

Xifaxan and neomycin did nothing for the odor, nor did the elemental diet. I actually think the elemental diet made the smell as bad or
worse than before.

*******Nitazoxanide********** worked wonders for the month I was on it. Solid stools even with foods that normally cause my ibs to flare up.
It's exactly the reason I felt there was more going on to everything than just SIBO and IBS.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.


Same problem here. I fill up an entire room with a rotten smell. It's been a daily nightmare. I always wish that I can just be away from everything and live alone...

I've had this rotten smell for years and have tried many things. I tried a lot of diets, herbs, medicines for digestive issues to no avail. think my sinus is congested so I've been to ENT's, dentists, oral surgeon many times but they say there's nothing wrong.

Anyway, I had a Sinus CT scan a few months ago and impacted teeth were found. The'ye in the front of my mouth so they're not wisdom teeth. The ENT and oral surgeon that saw the CT scan both said they're fine and nothing needs to be done. I'm desperate so I went to another dentist/oral surgeon to ask to have the impacted teeth extracted. This will be in a few weeks. It's been a daily nightmare for years that I'm willing to try anything.

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I believe the smell is coming from the mouth and nose and not body. It is crazy to think something so bad can come from the mouth and fill up a room.


Same exact situation here.. I am Tuesday with my primary physician trying to get a prescription for Metronidazole Mouthwash at a compound pharmacy to see if it works.. I asked my dentist and she didn’t feel comfortable prescribing me it because she never has 😑

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Did the mouthwash work?


Try flushing the nose with saline fluid.


Read an article in a health mag in a doctor's waiting room re oral health products which stated many of them can disrupt bacteria levels in the mouth and cause foul breath.


Did you ever repeat the dose of the nitozoxanide?


I have same issue been dealing with it for 18 years now. I went to over 10 doctors and dentist. But unlike some ppl hear. mines smell all the time but if I eat certain foods like McDonald’s or candy or alcohol, the smell can fill up a room. My family won’t even drive in the same car as me. I’ve done all the antibiotics nothing works. I do have post nasal drip sometimes and I recently coughed up a tonsil stone but I never seen one before and I don’t see anymore but the bad breath remains. I just went to a doctor who said if the smell persists after 2 months of antibiotic treatment that I should get my tonsil removed


Thank you for the Nitazoxanide link. It was helpful. And after perusing through the discussion pages, it's all the same as the rest of the internet-- plebs pooling their ignorance and buying into homeopathic methods that I've personally tried, and all amount to snake poison. I've already hit the point where hitting up the microbiology department at ASU for more answers has become a new hobby. There is nothing mechanically wrong with my body from the countless blood work and physical tests done, so I've narrowed this issue down to being a viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal in nature.

I can go to the one in AZ if they have great GI physicians-- or physicians who can coordinate information with thee Minnesota staff. Is that possible.

Anyway, thanks for your help. As frustrated as I am, I really appreciate it.

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How bout hidden tonsil stones do you think that could be it?


The odor is so bad coming from my nose and throat people can smell it through my mask

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Same thing with me do you think it could be a hidden tonsil stone.


I double/triple-checked OP's post to make sure I hadn't posted it myself and forgotten about it. The OP's post describes my symptoms and frustration with this problem to a T. I've been dealing with this mystery condition for 14 years. I have been to ENTs, dentists, and GI doctors and nothing has ever come close to a diagnosis, much less a cure. When I told a GI doctor, with much humiliation, about this problem, she dismissed me with, "that's not important to me." Fine, but it's sure as hell important to me!

With respect to the replies here, one of the most frustrating part is the most common responses revolving around halitosis. But it's not halitosis as we know it. It's not eating a garlic burger or neglecting dental hygiene. Of course, I have halitosis when I don't brush my teeth or eating 10 garlic pieces. No, what is perplexing is that I will be talking to someone normally and for long periods, everything is fine and then all of the sudden, the person will jerk back. And I know it's a fart breath has wafted out. That's as plainly as I can describe it. Sometimes I can smell it and sometimes I can't. When I do, I can't believe how foul it is. And it happens when I'm not talking or doing anything so that's why I don't think it's oral and that it is further down. As the OP posted, it is intermittent fecal/sulfur breath and it pops up randomly. It has destroyed my self esteem and greatly affected my social life and career. It's horrible to hear people ask if someone shat. The most recent example was a guy saying, "it smells like gas here, I'm moving away" while I was in a group conversation.

Done all the GI tests, taken all the acid reflux meds, done all the ENT sprays, tried every mineral and supplement, acupuncture, chinese medicine, etc. Everything under the sun. Everything that has listed here in the replies and yet, this problem persists. It's been 14 years and I miss that outgoing, intrepid person I used to be. Now I stay at a job I hate mainly because I can work from home. I want to look for a new job but dread going out there for interviews and having this issue pop up. It's intermittent and it happens throughout everyday.

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I have the same problem do you think it could be from a hidden tonsil stone ?


Hi am new here. But I completely understand what everyone is going through. I have had this problem for over 20 years. I also have been to countless doctors and had colonoscopy, endoscopy, ent has done a cyst scan , I have been to several dentist. One doctor says it is dental and the dentist says it is sinus. Ent says they don’t see anything that can be causing the problem. My breath smells like poop. Even when breathing through my nose people can smell it. When I walk into a room people start to sneeze and cough. I know sugar and carbs makes it worst. I have soooo much gas and I burp a lot. I think the gas gets trapped in my body and starts to eliminate through my pores and lungs. I had real bad lower abdomen pain below my navel for years off and on. I thought it was vaginal pain. My obgyn ordered a vaginal ultrasound and she said it was gas. I was so shocked at just how long it had been there. So I recently had another episode with bad pain in my lower abdomen and lower back. Doctors could not find anything. My obgyn said the same nothing. So two nights ago I started to pas excessive amounts of gas and I started to burp a lot. So I had a flash back and remembered when the first time and was told that it was gas. So the only thing I can come up with is that gas is trapped in the body and comes out in the lungs. But how do I resolve this problem because it has been going on for years. I also have a white coating on my tongue. Sorry for such a long post. I will post any new information that I find. Oh yeah when my obgyn told me that the ultrasound showed excessive gas in my abdomen she told me to take probiotics which I started but couldn’t tell a difference. What I will try is giving myself an enema first. I want to clean out my system. Then start a healthy diet with probiotics and digestive enzymes. I think dehydration is an issue as well. I notice a difference in how I feel when I sip on pedialyte. I will keep you guys posted. Good luck!!👍🏿

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Hey any update? Do you think it could be tonsil stone that is hidden

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