Is this a COVID crash? Any suggestions on how to stop a crash?

Posted by liz58 @liz58, Feb 25, 2022

I learned about the covid crash in class. I am not sure I experienced one until this week, I have been getting headaches but this headache started Monday and it subsidies but sort of lingers. It that the crash? I have had about 5 of these headaches since my covid Nov 2020. I can't figure anything that pinpointed it as a trigger, I have migraine med, it helped but didn't take headache away. Any suggestions on how to stop the crash as I'm on day 5. If this is considered a crash.

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Actually I’m starting fresh with k-9 school workbook program. I do 15 min a day 5 days a week unless I do other things it’s the only thing that doesn’t make my brain hurt. It’s slow, it’s hard for my ego but it helps. It’s going to take a long time but it took a long time to develop the brain cells I had. I’m to the letter M.

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I tried brain games, listening to pod casts, children’s books, reading, along with no patience I don’t comprehend. If I do too much there is a hum? in my brain and I don’t remember things until I sleep. I have a lot of memory lapses. It’s very weird. No one understands.


Actually I’m starting fresh with k-9 school workbook program. I do 15 min a day 5 days a week unless I do other things it’s the only thing that doesn’t make my brain hurt. It’s slow, it’s hard for my ego but it helps. It’s going to take a long time but it took a long time to develop the brain cells I had. I’m to the letter M.

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Wow, Sophia, kudos for your persistence! My friend had an aneurysm and 2 major strokes when we were 47. That was exactly what she did. It was a long haul, but she was ultimately able to go back & finish her Master's Degree when we were in our 50's! You might find someone who understands in a stroke group
Please let me know occasionally how it's going.


I tried brain games, listening to pod casts, children’s books, reading, along with no patience I don’t comprehend. If I do too much there is a hum? in my brain and I don’t remember things until I sleep. I have a lot of memory lapses. It’s very weird. No one understands.

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Yes I understand what your experiencing because I suffer from it as well! It's frustrating when others either think that am either seeking some sort of attention or lying!


It’s kind of funny the doctors always preface what they say with this is ‘like a brain injury’ but not ‘this is a brain injury’ so they don’t have to code it that way for insurance I think. That is the most frustrating part of all of this. The government said this wasn’t real and anything about it is experimental and people lose their homes, jobs and insurance. So many people are dead and so many more are suffering after effects. Trying to act normal but can’t because they aren’t. People say you look fine so you must be fine. This is hard. Some days impossible. But we have to keep going and be tough together. Support each other. Love & hugs. Hope ❤️


My daughter was always a busy reader, and still taking college courses towards another degree when Covid struck her in March 2020. She has been getting cognitive therapy from a speech therapist for over a year, the past several months it included listening to an audio book while reading to retrain her brain. This helped a lot. Have you tried this, or had it suggested yet? She is hoping to be able to tackle her last few classes by the end of 2022, but will take them one at a time with breaks in between...

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I! was an FULL time xtrovert and i learned best by using all four learning styles but once covid hit which was at the tail end of grad school it ALL changed!
Post Covid I am a Full time introvert! Memory recall, focus, writing things down but it not being correct (ex. I visualize the number is 7 in my mind but I wrote 4 down on paper). I've taken my licensure exam and unfortunately I failed it. Going for it again but I have to start over because I have retained hardly any of the information!!!


I! was an FULL time xtrovert and i learned best by using all four learning styles but once covid hit which was at the tail end of grad school it ALL changed!
Post Covid I am a Full time introvert! Memory recall, focus, writing things down but it not being correct (ex. I visualize the number is 7 in my mind but I wrote 4 down on paper). I've taken my licensure exam and unfortunately I failed it. Going for it again but I have to start over because I have retained hardly any of the information!!!

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It takes some time but be easy on yourself. You will get it back. You got this.


I had Covid in April of 2020. Was hospitalized for 7 days, on oxygen for 7 months, need a CPAP-melatonin10mg-50mgbenadryl to sleep, on 4 BP pills, antidepressant, daily headache & migraine 3 times a week if I do anything. I can do some things lifting and carrying more than 25 lbs/drinking alcohol/shopping/dancing and if I’m not paying attention and do too much it is what you are describing 1-2 days after. It feels a little like a day after head banging from a rock concert. My whole life has changed, before I got my CPAP I wasn’t breathing 489 times for 30 seconds a night so have some pretty serious brain damage. I had a full time job, was a supervisor, a party friend, a cool mom, an amazing wife, an over celebrator. Everyone says I will find new things to do, have new hobbies, get better but it is so slow & coming up on 2 years. It feels like I’m the only one who is dealing with this & no one understands.

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I understand -"it is so slow & coming up on 2 years. It feels like I’m the only one who is dealing with this & no one understands."


I understand -"it is so slow & coming up on 2 years. It feels like I’m the only one who is dealing with this & no one understands."

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I’m sorry for us. This is dumb. I’m over it. I keep hoping I wake up from this crappy nightmare. I’m tired of being strong and happy to be alive. I wanted it like everyone I know got it. It’s childish and stupid but really what I want to say to people that tell me I’m lucky. It’s always people that tested positive without symptoms. Argh.


Hello everyone. My name is Joel and I am an RN in Minnesota. I don't know if this is a crash or not, but 54 days out from original diagnosis and I feel worse now than I did then. I though I had strep throat so I went to get tested for strep, flu, and COVID. I am positive for COVID. I self tested 1.5 weeks ago and was negative. So now I wonder if this is the same infection or if I am re-infected. Between the sore throat and wheezing, it is really hard to sleep. I'm tired all of the time. And now since I test positive again, I have to wait to see if I can go to work!


It’s kind of funny the doctors always preface what they say with this is ‘like a brain injury’ but not ‘this is a brain injury’ so they don’t have to code it that way for insurance I think. That is the most frustrating part of all of this. The government said this wasn’t real and anything about it is experimental and people lose their homes, jobs and insurance. So many people are dead and so many more are suffering after effects. Trying to act normal but can’t because they aren’t. People say you look fine so you must be fine. This is hard. Some days impossible. But we have to keep going and be tough together. Support each other. Love & hugs. Hope ❤️

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I truly believe we are well on the way to calling post-Covid syndrome a brain injury.
Absent specific, quantifiable tests for these things, it takes a long time to define, document & systematize illnesses. The second complication is that long-Covid manifests in thousands of different ways. The third is that there is not a good agreement on how to document that the symptoms were caused by Covid, and were not a coincidence.
I'm sure most people who are just struggling to get through the day don't want to hears this, but agreeing to participate in post-Covid research might help.

Best wishes to each of you for a full recovery.

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