Klonopin taper

Posted by dawgbone @dawgbone, Jul 31, 2017

I have been on some kind of benzo for almost 40 yrs. I am trying to taper from 1.5-2 mgs of klonopin daily . Began in mid may 2017 and my last cut was very small on 7-2-17 to get to 1mg. Honestly feels like i am dying. I also take trazodone 75 mgs and 4 drugs for high blood pressure. I have been researching gabapentin and seroquel to help with the withdrawal symptons. Please offer any suggestions or help. I am 69 yrs old and cant even leave my house to visit my kids and grands. Thank you for any help!

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No script....meds. I was in the hospital with in Nov. Covid really sick. I had lots of steroids, antibiotics and a plasma transfusion. Now I am a long hauler and my body is rejecting meds. The Klonipin is making me burn and tingly all over. every time I take it now. I was also on Cymbalta for 15 years and they took me off that in the hospital cold turkey. I went through horrific side effects and it’s been 6 months being off that. Now I’m needing to come off this.

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Thank you for replying to me


Yes, I read through that last night. Thank you for the reply

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Thank you for replying back to me.


We sure have our share don't we. I wanted to reply quickly to tell you that I tried Aimovig and found it to be true that the main side effect is constipation. I didn't believe it but I couldn't stand it.........almost went a week once with no poop.


Hi There @dawgbone,
I feel for you. The clonazepan taper is really rough. I was on 2 mg for 5 years for a neurological movement disorder. It was necessary for me to taper as the Clonazepam was causing my white blood cell count to drop.
It has been a year and I have been able to taper to 1.5 mg. For me, trying to do anymore than that was causing insomnia and the terrible anxiety and the feeling of dying you mentioned. I felt horrible, but going out and being with people helped me get my mind on something else. It is important to do thing you used to enjoy, be with family, friends or anything that gives you a sense of accomplishment. I know I had no desire to do that, but forcing myself made me feel better and took my mind off my anxiety. You may be going to quickly on your taper. I had two doctors tell me .25 every six month. And that is from their experiences with other patients. There is a sight called benzo buddies which is helpful for those of us tapering off the Benzos.
I found the best advice on that site. You are blessed to have grandchildren. Take care off yourself. I found that exercise and meditation classes help. Also being outside and soaking in the sun. I hope this helps. All my best to you and a big hug.

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Wow - that’s so interesting. My doc suggested cutting 25% every 2 weeks. But I’m only at 1mg. But I feel like the taper was too fast as I just began having withdrawal symptoms. So I guess I’m gonna take a low dose for longer


Wow - that’s so interesting. My doc suggested cutting 25% every 2 weeks. But I’m only at 1mg. But I feel like the taper was too fast as I just began having withdrawal symptoms. So I guess I’m gonna take a low dose for longer

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yes, as long as you continue achieving your goal of stopping then you are deciding your journey!
It’s exciting and such an accomplishment!!!


I have been there! Just do it slowly and if tapering and feel jittery or any bad affects, back up and try again in a week or two. I am 78 and going in to my last two weeks of a 9 month taper. You know better than anybody when to proceed to taper down. Drink lots of water and PEDIALYTE AND ENSURE MAX PROTEIN, French Vanilla is the best. Amazon is 1/2 price of Walgreens Drug. You will feel better when you hydrate and you need protein. This changes your life, but there is life after Benzodiazepines, Anti Socializing seems to be a side affect of withdrawal. I think sleep was just a dream, only 3 to 4 hrs a night if I was lucky. My psychiatrist recommended BENADRYL (PRESCRIPTION), NOT OVER THE COUNTER, ask your Doctor if you are having a problem sleeping to give you a script for this. You will come out beyond this for sure. Keep the faith!


Wow - that’s so interesting. My doc suggested cutting 25% every 2 weeks. But I’m only at 1mg. But I feel like the taper was too fast as I just began having withdrawal symptoms. So I guess I’m gonna take a low dose for longer

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I believe thats very wise. I slowed my taper down even more towards the end. My Klonopin tapering was uneventful..
However, if I had it to do all over again I would definitely use a compounding pharmacy.
Good luck to you,


I have been there! Just do it slowly and if tapering and feel jittery or any bad affects, back up and try again in a week or two. I am 78 and going in to my last two weeks of a 9 month taper. You know better than anybody when to proceed to taper down. Drink lots of water and PEDIALYTE AND ENSURE MAX PROTEIN, French Vanilla is the best. Amazon is 1/2 price of Walgreens Drug. You will feel better when you hydrate and you need protein. This changes your life, but there is life after Benzodiazepines, Anti Socializing seems to be a side affect of withdrawal. I think sleep was just a dream, only 3 to 4 hrs a night if I was lucky. My psychiatrist recommended BENADRYL (PRESCRIPTION), NOT OVER THE COUNTER, ask your Doctor if you are having a problem sleeping to give you a script for this. You will come out beyond this for sure. Keep the faith!

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@laurine7 , What’s the difference in the prescription Benadryl for sleep?


I believe thats very wise. I slowed my taper down even more towards the end. My Klonopin tapering was uneventful..
However, if I had it to do all over again I would definitely use a compounding pharmacy.
Good luck to you,

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I called the only COMPOUND PHARMACY in San Francisco and was definitely going to go that way. $100 per script, a small amount for peace of mind. I spoke to my Primary Doctor and my Psychiatrist, neither said at tapering from my .125 did not warrant to go that route. My Psychiatrist however never had me on a tapering plan, I just tapered myself. It is very easy to get discouraged and think it's me going through this, they do not understand. In the end, you know best, of course you do need guidance and knowledge. Again I recommend Ashton Manual Benzos.org if that is what you were taking. Being 78, on Lorazepam for over 10 years these past 9 months have been the worst time of my life. So, so many side effects, I had them all. I read, read, and read about withdrawing from Benzos and many times felt I knew more than the Doctor treating me. Unless they are very knowledgeable, which you do not really know, it's a hit and miss.


Thank you for replying to me

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Amazing how many drugs you have to take to get off one medication. After you look them up you find out they all had terrible side effects unless you taper. Makes you wonder! If you have HULU watch DOPESICK. ALL ABOUT OXYCONTIN, THE DOCTORS AND THE PRESCRIPTION COMPANY PUSHING IT. The families who lost loved ones sued the Drug company and it was just settle for BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. It really is an education about Pharmaceutical companies and how they push it on the Doctors who then push it on to their patients.

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