Finally have Appt at Mayo Jax Neurology drpt

Posted by joannemm34293 @joannemm30809, Feb 11, 2022

After suffering 2.5 years with these debilitating symptoms and having several different specialists diagnose me with something totally different than the other specialist is diagnosed me with I'm still at square one as to what is really wrong with me and it's been 2.5 years of hell.

I finally have an appointment at Mayo clinic in Jacksonville for March the 9th. I will travel the 7-hour drive and get a hotel and hopefully these doctors there can help me.

They gave me the name of the neurologist that I will be seeing and I cannot recall his name but I looked up some of the patient reviews and a good majority of the patients gave him a very poor poor poor rating and review. That's all I need is to spend all this money to travel up to Mayo clinic and have a neurologist that 99% of the patient review comments are negative about him. I can't take much more of these symptoms these debilitating episodes I have almost on a daily basis now and not know what in the heck it is. One doctor says it's anxiety attacks and panic attacks, the other specialist says I have dysautonomia, then another specialist disagrees and says I have vasovagal, then another specialist disagrees with it all and says he does not know what's causing these episodes that affect me from head to toe with a multitude of horrible symptoms etc and these symptoms come on at a nowhere.

I sure hope with the little bit of money I'll be investing driving up to Jacksonville from Southwest Florida and getting a hotel room Tuesday night March 8th to be seen on March 9th I hope this neurologist that I've read gets poor reviews from patients is better than what all the prior patients have said about him because I cannot take any more delays or just being passed around and pushed around with almost three years now this insanity.

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I've been trying for more than 6 months to get an appointment from Mass. General Hospital in Boston which is huge and has a large neurology department to no avail. Been diagnosed with motor-sensory peripheral. Same with Beth Israel. The medical industry is in Serious Trouble! And I'm here in Boston which has a huge medical community. No one is talking about very much needed reform. Many are leaving the field.

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Stay in prayer and ask your Familia and friends and us here at MAYO.
Your local prayer group must know your thoughts and urgent need.

I will pray and wife and many.

Look I have less a severe issue, and after 6-10 months, one of my colleagues mentioned MAYO AGAIN, and here with you and hope with direction; MORE, to my 2o ye issue. AMEN

Carlos HERE IN TX.


You are so so upfront you are sounding like me at Work. At home cannot not for all they know is am in pain …. Daing IT. 👻👻🙏
2008 was a surprising year to the discovery on my pain . Thanks to GOD not work related but just another one of us with NEUROPATHY OF THE FEET. Later in 2018 to add The same to my hands in 2016 ooh my…. Am 57 and can and have taken 8 -250 mg Advils and 2-3 Tyl.
500 mg at a time x 2 x a day Along the 2 other PAIN MEDS. Results ? 3-4 later the PAIN IT SEEMS MORE SEVERE.

So am here to report to not give up.

Mayo will be my next place. I am in Houston Tx. So will see . Like to know outcome from your HIGHLY DECORATED DR. No bad intended.
I can say the same of my 3 here in Houston.
Blessings ok.

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