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Welcome @tommydb. You may be interested in these related discussions about the Optune device.
- Glioblastoma (GBM) trials and therapeutic devices (Optune) https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/gbm-trials-ttfields-brain-device/
- My Husband's journey with Glioblastoma https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/my-husbands-journey-with-glioblastoma/

@suez5, would you mind sharing why you decided to discontinue treatment with Optune?

Tommy, I'm not surprised your short term memory is "junk". Carrying around a notepad is smart or on a phone if that works for you. I'm a big believer in taking notes even when short term memory works. Why clutter the brain. I use Google keep. I have it on all my devices, so I can take notes whether I'm at work or out with only my phone. If I'm device free, I take a note on paper and then transfer it when I get home so all my notes are in one place. It's a good practice to develop and my brain is free to think rather than trying to keep all the tasks etc in my head.

Are you at Mayo now? How is it going with the Optune?

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Replies to "Welcome @tommydb. You may be interested in these related discussions about the Optune device. - Glioblastoma..."

I wore the Optune device pretty much 24/7 for two months. I felt like it interfered with my lifestyle. My scans have been clear so I decided to stop so I could travel easier and enjoy my One Day At A Time!

Hi Colleen thanks for sharing. I’m at home in Montana now. However, my sis and I will fly back to Mayo tomorrow for a couple days..It’s day two of Neptune (I know it’s Optune:). I’m gonna give this thing a whirl for awhile and see how it goes. I think my best therapy is my friend below 🙂