Tired of depression meds: At a loss of what to do

Posted by jane2022 @jane2022, Feb 19, 2022

Having suffered with depression for years during and after a failed marriage onto bad online relationships which lead to my suicide attempt. I’m at my wits end coming off Effexor now and feeling desperately depressed.
Doctor wants me to start mirtazaphine now but just reading side effects has put me off.
I am at a loss what to do!

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Mirtazapine has been a godsend for me. I take it at night , sleep well, and it helps with my appetite. Try it. Don’t be afraid. Let me know if you decide to take it. Oh….zero side effects.


I didn’t have good luck with mirtazapine. I gave it a fair shot. I just couldn’t get over the lethargy it caused. I couldn’t get off the sofa.


Everyone’s different, I guess. It sometimes seems like a never ending search.


@jane2022 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I am glad to see you here, asking good questions as you travel this journey.

You did not mention which doctor prescribed the Effexor for you, a primary care or mental health professional? Is there a reason for the change? While I do not have experience with either medication, your feeling of being "desperately depressed" has me very concerned. Are you feeling safe by yourself? Do you have a trusted family member or friend who you can talk to, nearby, until you contact your doctor again?

Due to the way pharmacy companies need to cover their bases, they will list all side effects they have seen, common to very rare. That certainly doesn't mean you will experience any or all of them, as we are each so different! And as many of us often take more than one prescription medication, the interactions are important. A good pharmacist will see possible interactions and clue you in, especially if different doctors are prescribing.

Will you let me know how you are feeling today, please?


Mirtazapine (Remeron) was wonderful for me 20 years ago. I did gain some weight, but I’f I got a good night’s sleep the sleepiness wasn’t bad. I went off it when I became pregnant, but wouldn’t mind going back on now. They’ve switched my meds so many times now idk what works! But it’s different for everyone. And weighing side effects with benefit is important.


has anyone used abilify. did it help with anxiety and ocd? my concern is that it can increase blood sugar and cholesterol.


I tried Abilify - it made me crazy, bad reaction. If you try it, I recommend going slowly at first.


Anyone tried Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy (SAINT) - claim it can reduce or eliminate MDD in 5 days.


Looking into it. Thanks for the post.


Make an appointment now with your doc and tell her what you are experiencing. There’s always hope. Something will work for you.

Don’t be alone. Reach out for help in your area. There are others who feel as you do.


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