Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?
Good evening, I’ve recently been diagnosed with PMR. It came on a week after my flu shot October 23, 2020.
Has anyone experienced the same diagnosis after a flu shot?
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Hi…my husband and I are participating in an NIEH study to look at Covid antibodies over one year. We just started but have several friends that have participating for a while. They do a blood test 5 times over the year. Each person get results on 1)if you’ve had Covid and that antibody level and 2) your vaccine antibody level. I’m hoping my antibody level is good so that I don’t need any more boosters! The lab is in the RTP near Durham, NC. Here’s the link…
Yes, a PMR outbreak in early Dec. after a flu shot in Nov.
The NIH should be very interested.
Yes I developed PMR after receiving the Shingrix vaccine, March 22, 2021. I was a very healthy and young 59 year old who taught fitness classes daily and ate a healthy diet. No family history of PMR. Spring 2021, I had significant neck, shoulders and collar bone pain. I never had COVID. I haven’t even had the slightest cold or flu for many years. . My symptoms started a few weeks after the vaccine. They worsened over the summer months at which time I developed severe knee inflammation and pain in the thighs, hips and buttocks. I had to quit my job and all of my outdoor sports and activities. I could hardly move without significant pain. I lost mobility in my hips and knees. I was devastated. A trip to my doctor in September revealed I had elevated inflammation markers.
What else could it be. Why would this mysteriously come on in 2021. I wish I had never taken that vaccine.
Thank you for posting these links, John. I'm glad to know the NIH has been made aware of the possible link between the flu vax and PMR.
I had the same following my 3rd shot. But in saying that I would not recommend skipping immunization because of that. My flare up presented as bi-lateral dactilytis (sausage fingers ) then, not as severe, shoulders and hips.
All adverse drug reactions should be reported to the FDA adverse reaction reporting system. Here is the link to get started -
My PMR was the result of an adverse reaction to my second Shingrix vaccination. It has been reported. It is only through the FDA having data on the adverse events as they occur that valid stats can be developed and problems can be identified and measured. Us talking about them is good but reporting it is better. It is up to us to let them know about each adverse reaction.
June, do you know if you had to have had a COVID infection to take part in the study?
No need to have contracted covid… they look at your blood test in 2 ways. 1) yes or no if you’ve had covid . If yes…what’s the antibody level from covid
2) if you’ve been vaccinated…what’s the antibody level based on the vaccine. Neither of us have had covid so that was simply a no. We haven’t got the other results yet. I’m hoping this info will help me with decisions about future boosters.
I had issues beginning a few days after my second covid vaccine. Shoulder and collarbone pain, then tailbone. Took 2 months to get a diagnosis. That was in September. I’ve been ok on lower dose of prednisone but currently experiencing a flare up effecting my knees and neck. Trying 10mgs a day now. That’s my highest dose so far. I am afraid to get the booster.