Sudden low blood oxygen levels: Anyone else have Vasculitis?

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Feb 15, 2022

I suddenly started feeling awful about 2 days ago so I went to urgent care for a COVID test. I had checked my oxygen levels before I went and it was low (90]. The test was negative and the chest X-ray was normal. Things have not improved over the last day or so in fact my O2 level has dipped down to 88 twice. I’m going to see a pulmonologist tomorrow and I am set for a CT scan next week.
I believe that the Vasculitis I have may be the cause because it inflames my arteries. Inflammation of the arteries prevents the oxygen rich blood from nourishing the organs.
Anyone else here have Vasculitis? I have Polyarthritis Nodosa.

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@SusanEllen66, I'm bringing @deb8 @siosal @ees1 into this discussion as I believe they may have experience with vasculitis.

Susan, did you learn anything from your appointment with the pulmonologist?


I have ANCA vasculitis.
Other than being tired or sleepy, I have no symptoms ever. It was discovered about two years ago when I came out of remission for CKD. No symptoms there either. I read of patients having such a difficult time with it. I am on rituxan. 2 yrs of it. I am in remission of CKD and ANCA.
I have ever known anyone with ANCA so I am happy there is some activity here.
I have never had oxygen problem. Last week my oxygen was 100%. That’s a first. Also my lungs do not seem to be affected by my autoimmune conditions.

I hope there is a quick and simple answer for you.



@molly48823 Could you join this discussion? I know you have a lot of information on vasculitis


@SusanEllen66 and @siosal - has lots of information about vasculitis. Ask your healthcare provider to include a test for ANCA in your next lab work order. Hopefully, your doctors will know where to go from a positive test result.. This is a rare disease so finding a knowledgeable healthcare provider can be a challenge. The Vasculitis Foundation is prepared to help you with that task. I was diagnosed with MPA vasculitis with critical kidney involvement 6 1/2 years ago. Now in remission thanks to good doctors and toxic drugs. Hope the same for you!


@SusanEllen66 and @siosal - has lots of information about vasculitis. Ask your healthcare provider to include a test for ANCA in your next lab work order. Hopefully, your doctors will know where to go from a positive test result.. This is a rare disease so finding a knowledgeable healthcare provider can be a challenge. The Vasculitis Foundation is prepared to help you with that task. I was diagnosed with MPA vasculitis with critical kidney involvement 6 1/2 years ago. Now in remission thanks to good doctors and toxic drugs. Hope the same for you!

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I am getting excellent care in Boston.
And have done well so far. Yes….drugs are keeping a lot of us alive and healthiest possible.
Sounds as though we are doing well.


@SusanEllen66 and @siosal - has lots of information about vasculitis. Ask your healthcare provider to include a test for ANCA in your next lab work order. Hopefully, your doctors will know where to go from a positive test result.. This is a rare disease so finding a knowledgeable healthcare provider can be a challenge. The Vasculitis Foundation is prepared to help you with that task. I was diagnosed with MPA vasculitis with critical kidney involvement 6 1/2 years ago. Now in remission thanks to good doctors and toxic drugs. Hope the same for you!

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Thanks Molly, I joined The Foundation in 2016 when I was first diagnosed with cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa.
CPAN is extremely rare. I was treated by my dermatologist who had me on prednisone for almost 8 months.
I went into remission until this year. Now the CPAN has changed to PAN which is also rare.
Just like almost everyone else who has a rare disease I’ve been frustrated by the medical community’s lack of awareness regarding Polyarteritis Nodosa.
I would like to meet up with someone else who has CPAN or PAN. So far I have not.


I have ANCA vasculitis.
Other than being tired or sleepy, I have no symptoms ever. It was discovered about two years ago when I came out of remission for CKD. No symptoms there either. I read of patients having such a difficult time with it. I am on rituxan. 2 yrs of it. I am in remission of CKD and ANCA.
I have ever known anyone with ANCA so I am happy there is some activity here.
I have never had oxygen problem. Last week my oxygen was 100%. That’s a first. Also my lungs do not seem to be affected by my autoimmune conditions.

I hope there is a quick and simple answer for you.


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Hi Beth
My Vasculitis is Polyarteritis Nodosa. It’s a rare version of Vasculitis (about 4 cases in 100,000).
I have never met or had any contact with someone else who has this.
PAN generally spares the lungs so this is a mystery. It probably is unrelated…


Thanks Molly, I joined The Foundation in 2016 when I was first diagnosed with cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa.
CPAN is extremely rare. I was treated by my dermatologist who had me on prednisone for almost 8 months.
I went into remission until this year. Now the CPAN has changed to PAN which is also rare.
Just like almost everyone else who has a rare disease I’ve been frustrated by the medical community’s lack of awareness regarding Polyarteritis Nodosa.
I would like to meet up with someone else who has CPAN or PAN. So far I have not.

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@SusanEllen66 Have you looked into the Rare Disease Network?


Thanks Ginger, I have not seen it before. I will check it out!

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