← Return to Ventolin/Levalbuterol Severe Reaction - Options?


Ventolin/Levalbuterol Severe Reaction - Options?

Lung Health | Last Active: Feb 25, 2022 | Replies (20)

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Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect and good morning to you. I had the exact reaction as you did when I was first introduced to albuterol. I hated it. Then I was prescribed pro-air. I think that it is the lowest dose available and you might fair better with it. I can't offer alternatives because I can't prescribe medications, I can only offer my experiences. I can use Ventolin now but I do prefer pro air.

May I ask what the reason is for your using an inhaler?


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Replies to "Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect and good morning to you. I had the exact reaction as..."

Thank you for your response. I do not use it very often at all - for very occasional relief from shortness of breath - mild asthma. Once in a while in the winter, sob flares up. I am actually s retired Registered Nurse. I am not asking for people to prescribe - but if someone has some knowledge/ideas of how this can possibly be managed - it would be helpful to pass on. Levalbuterol being the Racemic version - and considered far less likely than Ventolin to cause such s thing - ended up doing the same thing. I am wondering what protocol might be utilized when something like this happens. Not every area in the country is super “fluent” in dealing with exceptions - so I am reaching out for some ideas/guidance. Suggesting possible avenues or ideas to explore - is not prescribing. Someone else has to have had this same issue occur. What version of Albuterol did you first try - and how was the ProAir any different ftom your first Albuterol product? Not liking albuterol is one thing - a serious side effect is an entirely different animal. Albuterol does give most people s bit of s rscey pulse and perhaps headachy feelings, and a fee other things……so I understand not liking it!