Recommendations for follow up treatment after pancreas resection

Posted by jdjabara @jdjabara, Feb 14, 2022

I had an NPMN cyst removed in the tail of my pancreas there was .5 cm of invasion. The margins and lymph nodes were clean as well as my spleen that was removed. What is the recommended follow up treatment if any ?

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Welcome, @jdjabara. I'm glad to hear that you had successful surgery and that the margins were clean. I'm tagging @susan2018 @mariouk @drewgrebe so they can share their experience with follow-up after surgery. However, I suspect follow-up is very individualized and depends on your specific circumstances.

Was follow-up treatment recommended for you? Are you concerned about the recommendations that we made?


Welcome, @jdjabara. I'm glad to hear that you had successful surgery and that the margins were clean. I'm tagging @susan2018 @mariouk @drewgrebe so they can share their experience with follow-up after surgery. However, I suspect follow-up is very individualized and depends on your specific circumstances.

Was follow-up treatment recommended for you? Are you concerned about the recommendations that we made?

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I am still waiting for a recommendation for follow uo treatment


I can’t answer answer obviously but my husband had an IPMN pancreatic cyst in head of pancreas removed during Whipple surgery at Mayo. Did not know until surgery that it was in fact cancerous. Margins clear, all ten lymph nodes removed were clear. Recommendation with best statistical outcomes was Folfirinox chemo. Six months, every two weeks. 2-1/2 years later is still cancer free. He had his chemo at our local hospital. Went back to Rochester every three months for CT scan and labs and met with oncology there.


Fortunately I havent had the surgery either as there hasnt been a need. Everybody is different and it depends on what kind of surgery as well.

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