← Return to undiagnosed low back / right Sacroilliac Pain


undiagnosed low back / right Sacroilliac Pain

Spine Health | Last Active: Feb 20, 2013 | Replies (30)

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SI joint issues can be seen on an x-ray most of the time, for example, my SI joints are calcifying, and that was found on an x-ray. So, I hope you received an answer from your Dr after you had the x-rays done.

The SI joints aren't actually a "joints" like knees, they're thick tendons that hold the sacral bone to the ilium (near the hip), I believe.

If you do have calcifying SI or inflamed SI (Sacroiliitis), it should show up on an x-ray. If not, a flouroscopy under x-ray could help you get a diagnosis, possibly?

You mentioned Sciatica, I think? These can sometimes be helped by nerve blocks. But, I understand that you received no relief from an injection for Sciatica, is that correct? If you didn't get relief from the injection -- sometimes it can take days to make it better -- it sounds like the Dr may have given you an injection in the wrong location? The pain from Sciatica begins in the upper part of your gluteous maximus, and often the pain travels down the back of the leg. Is this what is happening to you?

Just to let you know my experience, I've been dealing with progressing spine & pain problems for over 15 years; my problems began when I was considered "too young for any kind of serious spine trouble." Well, I finally learned at the age of 36 that my neck was severely damaged. It took me years to get anyone to listen to me. By the time I was seen for C-spine probs, I needed surgery, STAT.

In my case, things have spiraled downward since I had the Cervical Fusion + Diskectomy @ 4 levels. In the last 5 years, I've developed 15 bulging disks, 5 herniated (C-5 to L-5), and many, many other spine & pain issues (CRPS).

You're not alone in your pain. No one will understand how you feel except for us in the same boat as you are, and many Drs are ready to write people off that are under 40. I can only function when I'm on a variety of pain meds, such as methadone, gabapentin, Celebrex, Tylenol, Flexeril, and l still want to die on certain days. Well, I wouldn't be able to make food for my kids or do anything if it wasn't for appropriate medication.

Sorry you're not sleeping, I've been there, too. And like I said, you're not alone. Please reply if you can, and let us know what was found on your x-ray.

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Replies to "SI joint issues can be seen on an x-ray most of the time, for example, my..."

Thank you for your reply. I went to the University of Iowa, and seen an Orthopedic Surgeon. He reviewed my hip xrays , MRI of my Lumbar he then examined me. Moving my legs, checking my strength etc. He pushed on my right bursa, and it was very painful. I told him I can't lay on my right side. Most of my pain is in my low back. He said, my hip has some degeneration and that is what is causing my low back pain. He gave me a not so pleasant injection of Lidocain and Steriods into my right bursa. He said if you get relief, then we know we are treating the right thing. I did get a little relief for a few hours. I start physical therapy tomorrow, he thought that would get me back to normal. I'm a bit sceptical as my most severe pain is from L3~L4 & L4~L5 one the very right side of my lumbar. The reason I thought it might be my SI joint, is because of the jarring my body took on the snowmobile. I don't want pills, I want my life back!!

I have the same issue with my right hip, inflamed bursa, degeneration, can't lie on my right side -- I totally know what you're talking about!

I would go ahead with the Physical Therapy, but make sure you tell the PT that you're skeptical, and that you're very concerned about your low back & S.I. Tell the physical therapist all your concerns, the more people who know what you're going through, the more help you'll get. Keep up with the PT as long as you can, even get a new Rx for PT if your low back is still bothering you.

Have you been prescribed a TENS unit? I use mine often, it's great for distraction when I'm in a bad pain episode, and it's also helpful when I feel an episode is about to begin.

Beth, I have not been prescribed a tens unit, but they put one on my back at PT and it does help. I still can't stand for very long, I'm hoping to try and go back to work in a few weeks. Thank you so much for your reply!