Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?

Posted by kristem2020 @kristem2020, Jan 2, 2021

Good evening, I’ve recently been diagnosed with PMR. It came on a week after my flu shot October 23, 2020.

Has anyone experienced the same diagnosis after a flu shot?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Hi @v2dave (love the username. Does it mean version 2 of Dave?)

You’ll notice that I moved your post looking for others who may have had experience with PMR being induced by a vaccine. See here:
- Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?

I did this so you can more easily connect with others. Do you plan to get the diagnosis confirmed by a rheumatologist and to discuss a treatment plan?

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Hi Colleen, thanks for that. Lol, no it stands for the engine configuration V2 = VTwin, I love Italian v twin engined motorcycles.
Yes, absolutely. Still some hoops to jump through to get to a Rhumatologist here in New Zealand. By the sounds of it, mine is a mild/medium attack so far. Eating and exercising as well as I can
.Thanks again


Hi all, and thank you for this site.
I’m 51yo M and am expecting a diagnosis soon. One GP has indicated her opinion that I have PMR. Everything I can find is certainly pointing that way. As I’m not fully diagnosed (by a Rhumatologist) I wait in pain. Shoulders, neck, upper arms and hips. I never get flu vaccines as i rarely get sick. But I got the Covid vaccine as it’s not a common flu. The whamo! I can no longer get by without ibuprofen (200 when I wake up, 2-400 mid afternoon, 200 before bed) and that keeps on top of it.
I have no doubt that the Covid vaccine started this. The week before I was lifting 25kg boxes daily, Now I can only do admin as I can’t lift a thing.
Scary times. But encouraged to see it’s not fatal (if it is PMR). Again, thank you for being here and sharing your experiences.

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The first time I got PMR, symptoms started shortly after getting the Shingrex vaccine and the Senior (4 X stronger) flu vaccine same day. I don’t blame the vaccines…… was just my body’s response. I was in remission when I got my second COVID vaccine - and my immune system jumped into overdrive again. Back on prednisone. Last fall I opted for the regular flu shot; no bad reaction (but then I was taking 8 mg of prednisone at the time). Same story with the COVID booster. Unfortunately, I got a mild case of COVID January 1. My hands, arms, shoulders, and neck got progressively achy. Dr. ordered a CRP test; inflammation had doubled, so I’ve increased prednisone from 6 to 10 for a couple weeks. Will start a very slow taper from there. Good luck on your journey.


Yes I too believe it was one or the combination of the vacines. I was a very healthy and young 59 year old who exercised regularly and ate a healthy diet. No family history of PMR. Spring 2021 I had both COVID vacinnes and then the flu vacinne end of October 2021. I never had COVID. I haven’t even had the slightest cold since probably 2018. My symptoms started a few weeks later in Nov 2021. once I figured out it was PMR by the middle of December my mind instantly went to the vacinnes. What else could it be. Why would this mysteriously come on in 2021 after the vacinnes vs another time ? My answer: Because COVID vacinnes were the new variable and I believe adding the flu vacinne was too much for my system. I wish I could go back in time knowing what I know now.


A little info ------ I have not gotten any Covid vaccines ---- I did get the flu vaccine and I have gotten one every year since 1966 --- hope this might help


I first had PMR in 2002. One month after receiving my Moderna Covid booster (Nov 2021) along with a flu shot, I had a flare-up of PMR, the first since my initial 2002 case. I'm a 76-y-o woman.


The first time I got PMR, symptoms started shortly after getting the Shingrex vaccine and the Senior (4 X stronger) flu vaccine same day. I don’t blame the vaccines…… was just my body’s response. I was in remission when I got my second COVID vaccine - and my immune system jumped into overdrive again. Back on prednisone. Last fall I opted for the regular flu shot; no bad reaction (but then I was taking 8 mg of prednisone at the time). Same story with the COVID booster. Unfortunately, I got a mild case of COVID January 1. My hands, arms, shoulders, and neck got progressively achy. Dr. ordered a CRP test; inflammation had doubled, so I’ve increased prednisone from 6 to 10 for a couple weeks. Will start a very slow taper from there. Good luck on your journey.

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Yes. First vaccine May 4/21. Neck sore all summer but just thought it was a very sore neck. Second vax Aug. 4/21. 10 days later, tried to get out of bed and could not move. Neck, shoulders, arms, hands and progressed to hips over a 5 month period. Had to leave work mid-November as my hands were in splints and I couldn't turn my neck. Have not driven since last August. Finally diagnosed Jan. 4/22. CRP was 44.6. Started Prenisone 20mg next day. No pain as of today. Started back to work part-time yesterday. No PMR in the family, no rheumatoid, no auto-immune diseases whatsoever. Never heard of PMR. I certainly know what it is now and will never get a booster. Never tested positive for C-19 ever. Was perfectly healthy before. Hoping to start a slow taper soon. Glad to be pain free. Side effects...can be daunting at times. Good luck with your tapering and progress. 🙂


Hi @v2dave (love the username. Does it mean version 2 of Dave?)

You’ll notice that I moved your post looking for others who may have had experience with PMR being induced by a vaccine. See here:
- Can PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) be induced by vaccine?

I did this so you can more easily connect with others. Do you plan to get the diagnosis confirmed by a rheumatologist and to discuss a treatment plan?

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Since there seems to be a possible connection between the Covid vaccine and PMR flares, I wonder if there is anyone doing research on this? I would gladly share my journey and I expect others would also. I see the challenge being how to create a situation in which the vaccine can be modified so that it doesn’t cause a flare. I understand that there have probably not been enough PMR flare cases to make it financially viable for drug companies to do the research. But perhaps if the Mayo immunization research group knew that there were several people with flares, it would make since to research it. I think Duke may have received a grant to study some PMR aspects also. I do want to get a booster and help protect myself and others from Covid, but am reluctant because I fear that a booster may cause another PMR flare. And PMR was very painful and significantly limited my daily activities. I would appreciate it if you could direct me to any related research studies. Thank you for all that you and Mayo do. This group is so helpful!


Since there seems to be a possible connection between the Covid vaccine and PMR flares, I wonder if there is anyone doing research on this? I would gladly share my journey and I expect others would also. I see the challenge being how to create a situation in which the vaccine can be modified so that it doesn’t cause a flare. I understand that there have probably not been enough PMR flare cases to make it financially viable for drug companies to do the research. But perhaps if the Mayo immunization research group knew that there were several people with flares, it would make since to research it. I think Duke may have received a grant to study some PMR aspects also. I do want to get a booster and help protect myself and others from Covid, but am reluctant because I fear that a booster may cause another PMR flare. And PMR was very painful and significantly limited my daily activities. I would appreciate it if you could direct me to any related research studies. Thank you for all that you and Mayo do. This group is so helpful!

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Alex, the relationship between autoimmune diseases and vaccination is a topic that researchers have studied in the past and likely continue to study closely with the global vaccination efforts to control COVID.

Here are a couple of past studies:
- Vaccination and autoimmune disease: what is the evidence? (2003)
- Vaccination and Induction of Autoimmune Diseases (2015)
- Vaccinations and Autoimmune Diseases (2021)

To find clinical trials that are currently recruiting participants, you can search the national database or Mayo Clinic's clinical trials database:
Sometimes your physician may know about clinical trials that are not yet included in the databases. I applaud you for being willing to contribute to research.


Alex, the relationship between autoimmune diseases and vaccination is a topic that researchers have studied in the past and likely continue to study closely with the global vaccination efforts to control COVID.

Here are a couple of past studies:
- Vaccination and autoimmune disease: what is the evidence? (2003)
- Vaccination and Induction of Autoimmune Diseases (2015)
- Vaccinations and Autoimmune Diseases (2021)

To find clinical trials that are currently recruiting participants, you can search the national database or Mayo Clinic's clinical trials database:
Sometimes your physician may know about clinical trials that are not yet included in the databases. I applaud you for being willing to contribute to research.

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Thank you so much for the information!


Yes. First vaccine May 4/21. Neck sore all summer but just thought it was a very sore neck. Second vax Aug. 4/21. 10 days later, tried to get out of bed and could not move. Neck, shoulders, arms, hands and progressed to hips over a 5 month period. Had to leave work mid-November as my hands were in splints and I couldn't turn my neck. Have not driven since last August. Finally diagnosed Jan. 4/22. CRP was 44.6. Started Prenisone 20mg next day. No pain as of today. Started back to work part-time yesterday. No PMR in the family, no rheumatoid, no auto-immune diseases whatsoever. Never heard of PMR. I certainly know what it is now and will never get a booster. Never tested positive for C-19 ever. Was perfectly healthy before. Hoping to start a slow taper soon. Glad to be pain free. Side effects...can be daunting at times. Good luck with your tapering and progress. 🙂

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I have not yet been fully diagnosed with PMR but have all the symptoms and just started 10 mg prednisone. I have had issues in the past with this but then I got covid and received regeneron and was very sick for 3 months then got vaccinated and that's when my symptoms got extreme and have been trying to be diagnosed since. Good luck

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