Neuropathy & GI Bloat/Discomfort

Posted by Debbie @dbeshears1, Feb 12, 2022

Good morning - my neuropathy of 5 years has come with a lot of GI discomfort, pressure and bloating pretty much non-stop, though GI function is relatively normal. The only drug added to my care when my idiopathic PN started was Gabapentin. Does anyone have suggestions on what may be working for them? Thanks all

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Is it possible that you also have autonomic neuropathy? I was diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy. The autonomic neuropathy is the reason I also have IBS (along with a host of other things). Your autonomic nervous system is the part of your nervous system that controls involuntary actions, such as your digestive system.

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What test was done to diagnose this?


What test was done to diagnose this?

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@rexsan20 Hi. In my case, the small fiber neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy were diagnosed via skin biopsy (upper thigh and lower leg, just above the ankle) by a neurologist. Furthermore, I have many of the classic conditions that autonomic neuropathy causes; tachycardia/postural hypotension, IBS, sweating abnormalities and more!


Hi My gastroenterologist said I couldn't take anymore pain medicine because I have IBS problems so I live with pain over 20 yrs. Stomach bloating constantly wondering when will I get better. Providers aren't on the same page anymore. I never thought about my feet and having flat ones. I do like to walk around in my apartment house when I had one. Now not only that my feet are cold need socks on them even in bed. No high heels for me anymore.


I need to step up to the plate and getting back to PT. Stop the Madness and feeling sorry for myself.


I had been prescribed gabapentin at first. Didn't help much and got a rash with swelling. The neurologist switched to amitriptyline and it is definitely helping. I was put on a morning and evening dose. I stopped morning dose because it makes me sleepy. The evening dose lets me sleep great. Hope you get relief soon.


Very interested in what your fMD has to say. How did you locate him/her? What is their background vs a naturopath?


I had pre-existing neuropathy due to MS which was exacerbated by the oxaliplatin component of my chemotherapy regimens. I have resorted to the use of complimentary/alternative medical therapies to manage my pain and other symptoms with some degree of success. Your results may vary but it is important to realize that the results may not be immediate. It is a function of dose over time but generally will take more than 4 weeks to notice any positive benefits.

If you wish to explore non-traditional, alternative medical or natural therapies utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, aruvedic, alternative medical or naturopathic medicine, you should carefully research the literature on any suggested agents. Do so using Google which provides a more focused search of published studies about the agents' sourcing, preparation methods, mechanisms of action, clinical efficacy, toxicities/side effects and possible interactions with other drugs you may be taking. You can also obtain more fair balanced comparative information on the purity, actual contents and impurities for particular supplements you may be recommended at the Consumer web site.

There are a lot of "snake oil" remedies that are promoted by unscrupulous quacks to desperate patients. Also, it's critical that you let your care team know the dosage and timing the of agents you are taking. If you follow these suggestions you may find some "safe" agents that may work for you.


I'm on this website to research for my 38 year old son that has SFN. I posted on the "Stuff that works" website a question asking if people with neuropathy (SFN in particular) had GI problems prior and were prescribed PPI's (such as Omeprazole or Nexium). About 30% answered Yes.
My son definitely continues to have worse GI issues but after reading about the PPI's will not take them. He feels they worsen the neuropathy so he would rather have constant indigestion then nerve pain.
I refuse to believe in an idiopathic diagnosis and continue to try to research why healthy young people are suddenly are stricken with nerve issues.


I'm on this website to research for my 38 year old son that has SFN. I posted on the "Stuff that works" website a question asking if people with neuropathy (SFN in particular) had GI problems prior and were prescribed PPI's (such as Omeprazole or Nexium). About 30% answered Yes.
My son definitely continues to have worse GI issues but after reading about the PPI's will not take them. He feels they worsen the neuropathy so he would rather have constant indigestion then nerve pain.
I refuse to believe in an idiopathic diagnosis and continue to try to research why healthy young people are suddenly are stricken with nerve issues.

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Hi ,sorry to hear your son is suffering.
Is he diabetic?
Hope you can find some answers.
I think my stomach / bowel issues are vascular related as much worse after food but GP treats me for nerve pain on amytriptaline.


I’ve been dealing with bloat and stomach discomfort for the past few months now. Since I’ve been working with my allergist and nutritionist during the past four weeks, I’ve learned that in addition to my neuropathy, I am also histamine intolerance so I’ve modified my diet to only low histamine items. I’ve also eat smaller more frequent meals each day, try to chew the food really well, and take note of things that cause problem and avoid then the next time. This has improved my condition significantly. Also I find that when I have bloat, drinking warm water and taking GAS-X has helped me getting rid of gas and reducing the discomfort.

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