What to Expect After Internal Medicine: Are diagnostics added?

Posted by phoebeghostwriter @phoebeghostwriter, Feb 12, 2022

Hi there! I have my first appointment with internal medicine scheduled next week along two other departments and blood labs. I’m just curious if items tend to get added after the initial consult the same day ? Meaning, did you have the experience of other diagnostic imaging added after the initial appointment or was the first day just the appointment? Does Mayo have the ability to say, yes go to imaging right away if warranted or is it a lengthy process if non pre-scheduled? Additionally, if a specialized department sees you do they have their own “in house” labs they may also run different from internal medicine? Example: internal medicine sends you for labs and then you meet with another department later the same day…do they send you back for more labs since you just meet new department? Any first time experiences you could share would be welcomed especially if you went to Mayo seeking a diagnosis.

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@phoebeghostwriter I'll provide rather general answers to your questions.

All labs, imaging, and tests ordered can be done at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. That is my experience but since I don't know the reasons you are headed to Mayo Clinic I cannot answer in your case. Yes, tests, labs and other appointments could be to your schedule. That has happened with me and many others I know so it's best to look at your schedule each evening and each day. If you don't have a computer with you or haven't signed on to the Mayo Clinic Portal with your Smart Phone then Mayo staff at any of the desks where you check in for your appointments will print your appointments for you. When you are from out of town, as you will be, Mayo staff does an excellent job of scheduling appointments close together in time so that you do not have to wait around for days or weeks for another appointment. If a medical provider would like you to follow up at home with other tests or physicians they will let you know. In all, Mayo is excellent with the collaborative model of medical care.


Oh, @phoebeghostwriter, you’re about to enter the world of the magic of Mayo Clinic. ☺️
In our family we refer to it as being Mayo-naised or Miracle-whipped into the medical blender unique to the Mayo Clinic.
In answer to your question, yes there is the ability of each department to schedule tests within an expedited amount of time, often within the same day as more are needed. Your initial appointment is generally one to familiarize your doctor with your medical history and an opportunity for them to assess what tests you’ll need beyond what you may already have done. Don’t be surprised if tests that you’ve had elsewhere are repeated. Mayo’s equipment is all state of the art and their standard of excellence Is reflected in their diagnostics.
Labs are generally run in the morning and available within minutes on the portal to be used in whichever department you’re being seen. After that, should there be more labs required, you simply return to the lab for a follow up. Most everything is done in-house and with super fast results.
Go 1/2 hour earlier than printed in your appointment time, especially if it’s a Monday morning between 7 & 8. The lab is super busy. There’s always 15 minute leeway with your appointments so don’t panic if you run late in any of them.

If you’re having imagining done such as X-rays, MRI, CTs these are all read the moment they’re available so there’s little waiting for those results. Another outstanding quality of the Mayo Clinic is the flawless collaboration between doctors and departments.
You’ll see everything in your patient portal. All of your appointments are there along with messages, lab results, reports, etc.
Also, keep your phone on as you may receive messages from Mayo letting you know of appointment changes.

You’ll find navigation in the clinic really very easy. There are signs everywhere for directions and dozens of aides in Blue Jackets to assist you in whatever you may need. The buildings are all connected with grand foyers such as the Gonda Lobby where you’ll often hear someone playing the piano. I’m guessing most of your time will be spent in either Gonda or Mayo buildings. Take time to look at the art wherever you are!
I think you’ll sense, as most of us do, the calm, underlying feeling of assuredness and hope when you’re halls of Mayo Clinic. You can see I’m a bit biased but I’ve spent many months there and the amazing staff have saved my life more than once. It truly is a place of hope.

Do you have your portal set up already? Where is your first appointment?


Oh, @phoebeghostwriter, you’re about to enter the world of the magic of Mayo Clinic. ☺️
In our family we refer to it as being Mayo-naised or Miracle-whipped into the medical blender unique to the Mayo Clinic.
In answer to your question, yes there is the ability of each department to schedule tests within an expedited amount of time, often within the same day as more are needed. Your initial appointment is generally one to familiarize your doctor with your medical history and an opportunity for them to assess what tests you’ll need beyond what you may already have done. Don’t be surprised if tests that you’ve had elsewhere are repeated. Mayo’s equipment is all state of the art and their standard of excellence Is reflected in their diagnostics.
Labs are generally run in the morning and available within minutes on the portal to be used in whichever department you’re being seen. After that, should there be more labs required, you simply return to the lab for a follow up. Most everything is done in-house and with super fast results.
Go 1/2 hour earlier than printed in your appointment time, especially if it’s a Monday morning between 7 & 8. The lab is super busy. There’s always 15 minute leeway with your appointments so don’t panic if you run late in any of them.

If you’re having imagining done such as X-rays, MRI, CTs these are all read the moment they’re available so there’s little waiting for those results. Another outstanding quality of the Mayo Clinic is the flawless collaboration between doctors and departments.
You’ll see everything in your patient portal. All of your appointments are there along with messages, lab results, reports, etc.
Also, keep your phone on as you may receive messages from Mayo letting you know of appointment changes.

You’ll find navigation in the clinic really very easy. There are signs everywhere for directions and dozens of aides in Blue Jackets to assist you in whatever you may need. The buildings are all connected with grand foyers such as the Gonda Lobby where you’ll often hear someone playing the piano. I’m guessing most of your time will be spent in either Gonda or Mayo buildings. Take time to look at the art wherever you are!
I think you’ll sense, as most of us do, the calm, underlying feeling of assuredness and hope when you’re halls of Mayo Clinic. You can see I’m a bit biased but I’ve spent many months there and the amazing staff have saved my life more than once. It truly is a place of hope.

Do you have your portal set up already? Where is your first appointment?

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@loribmt Thank you so much for your reassurance. This Connect group has saved my sanity as I continue to strive for a diagnosis. Thank you for taking the time to paint me a beautiful picture of Mayo with your descriptive words.
Yes, my first appointment is in the main building in the Gonda building with internal medicine. Then I don’t have anything on the books until the next day- labs and a consult with rheumatology (due to some recent labs that I let internal medicine know about they are also trying to schedule endocrinology sooner) but for neurology later trip and I’m on wait list for GI. My case is complicated- I have some abnormal labs that could suggest a hormone producing tumor (high serotonin, high cortisol and a positive Insulin Growth factor) but also have a thickening of small bowel CT. I can tell you my symptoms are consistent with it as well- I went through 2 months trying to rule out Cushing. So, I’m hoping and praying that they run more diagnostic imaging and we get some healing or medicine so I can keep up with my 6 year old! 🙂


@phoebeghostwriter I'll provide rather general answers to your questions.

All labs, imaging, and tests ordered can be done at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. That is my experience but since I don't know the reasons you are headed to Mayo Clinic I cannot answer in your case. Yes, tests, labs and other appointments could be to your schedule. That has happened with me and many others I know so it's best to look at your schedule each evening and each day. If you don't have a computer with you or haven't signed on to the Mayo Clinic Portal with your Smart Phone then Mayo staff at any of the desks where you check in for your appointments will print your appointments for you. When you are from out of town, as you will be, Mayo staff does an excellent job of scheduling appointments close together in time so that you do not have to wait around for days or weeks for another appointment. If a medical provider would like you to follow up at home with other tests or physicians they will let you know. In all, Mayo is excellent with the collaborative model of medical care.

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@naturegirl5 thank you Helen! -Angela


@loribmt Thank you so much for your reassurance. This Connect group has saved my sanity as I continue to strive for a diagnosis. Thank you for taking the time to paint me a beautiful picture of Mayo with your descriptive words.
Yes, my first appointment is in the main building in the Gonda building with internal medicine. Then I don’t have anything on the books until the next day- labs and a consult with rheumatology (due to some recent labs that I let internal medicine know about they are also trying to schedule endocrinology sooner) but for neurology later trip and I’m on wait list for GI. My case is complicated- I have some abnormal labs that could suggest a hormone producing tumor (high serotonin, high cortisol and a positive Insulin Growth factor) but also have a thickening of small bowel CT. I can tell you my symptoms are consistent with it as well- I went through 2 months trying to rule out Cushing. So, I’m hoping and praying that they run more diagnostic imaging and we get some healing or medicine so I can keep up with my 6 year old! 🙂

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Oh golly, I can’t imagine going through all of those symptoms and having a young child at home. It’s pretty tough being all cheery and sunshine when you don’t feel well. It’s always important for our own health and wellbeing to remain positive but a little more of a challenge when you have a youngster present. ☺️

I’m hoping you find answers too. You’re going to be in excellent hands with the care providers at Mayo. They spoil us for anywhere else. 😅


Hi phoebeghostwriter, I'm adding my comment along with @anxious88. How are you doing?

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