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Stigma & Mental Illness

Mental Health | Last Active: Sep 27, 2013 | Replies (248)

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Will never go away.

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Replies to "Will never go away."

It sure won't with that attitude! Just because it's so prevalent in our society does not mean that we have to accept it.

It wont with that attitude. If people would educate themselves and opely discuss things the stigma would eventually lift . The problem with society today is they just don't want to know, some problems are just put into the too hard basket and there always the wrong ones. Piglit

I'm going to continue as i.m very passionate about this. Rememvber sometime ago I told you my story about Mark. Well there was a stigma attached to his illness. The dr's room was full of stares because he was unwell that's why I sat with him outside. I didn't want him to feel humiliated. I saw him again the other day and things have improved a little for him. He has had the care that he needed and know he is back at him home. The situation he went into removed the stigma attached and this is achievalbe. To be negative about things and say it Will never go away is so wrong positivity is what is required and an understanding to peoples needs Piglit

I agree. People really do need to educate themselves. I always have felt like eating disorders have a lot of stigma because people think it was my fault I have one. Also doctors just like numbers. They don't care about anything else. When I grow up, I'm actually scared to have kids because I don't want them to get an ED or depression or anxiety. I also think that we all need to be more positive. We have an illness and it is not our faults just like how cancer is not a cancer patient's fault. We need to be proud of who we are and show the world we are just normal people that are trying to live the best life we possibly can.

so true my dear

I remember that beautiful deed Piglit. I'm sure that to this day he remembers you
Simply being approachable and accepting can give a person hope...

I believe that too Rox and I hope to see Mark again. He has never left my thoughts and prayers x0

Life has a way of bringing us together just when we need a little kindness

Yes it will as long as those of us that need it to stop keep advocating for it!

Some people simply need a heart. Some of the most educated are the one's mistreating others.
Nonetheless, education and increased awareness is important.