How long do you take Gabapentin?

Posted by ttibsen @ttibsen, Sep 9, 2020

My wife got a Rx for Gabapentin yesterday to deal with chronic pain affecting her lower right leg below the knee. They couldn’t find anything obviously wrong and I guess that in those situations they fall back on Gabapentin. The instructions simply said take as needed and I am somewhat sceptical of this as it’s my understanding that Gabapentin is not like an analgesic which you do take on an as needed basis. I thought that for Gabapentin, once you start the meds, you continue at least until the meds is finished. She was given a one month supply.

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It is the same for me. Hate the brain fog and really cannot deal with it.

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I was at my breaking point. It was so awful. I would lose track of what I was saying in the middle of a conversation. I would have to ask the person I speaking to what we were talking about. I have to say I am much better since cutting way back. I cut back again today to 200mg 2x a day. Next week I am going down to 100mg 2x and the following week I am stopping all together consequences be dammed. I also started another nerve pain medication while weaning off the Gabapentin.


I was at my breaking point. It was so awful. I would lose track of what I was saying in the middle of a conversation. I would have to ask the person I speaking to what we were talking about. I have to say I am much better since cutting way back. I cut back again today to 200mg 2x a day. Next week I am going down to 100mg 2x and the following week I am stopping all together consequences be dammed. I also started another nerve pain medication while weaning off the Gabapentin.

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Yes! Losing my place in conversation is horrible. I find myself searching to try and figure out what the conversation is even about. Its embarrassing to keep asking what the heck we are talking about. And losing things. Everything I set down I am searching for. Even letting the dogs outside. I am like didn’t we just go out? I have started writing ✍️ down when I feed and take outside. And my own meds too. It effects me horribly.
I hope you find relief with your new script.


Yes! Losing my place in conversation is horrible. I find myself searching to try and figure out what the conversation is even about. Its embarrassing to keep asking what the heck we are talking about. And losing things. Everything I set down I am searching for. Even letting the dogs outside. I am like didn’t we just go out? I have started writing ✍️ down when I feed and take outside. And my own meds too. It effects me horribly.
I hope you find relief with your new script.

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I was forgetting where I put things all day long or I put in a safe place but have no idea of the where safe place was.
Thanks for the good wishes


As far as gabapentin is concerned my brother has usually taken the maximum dose for many years without any problems. With his other meds it helps him cnsiderably.
I have known people with Epilepsy who have taken it for decades because it controls their focal seizures. When I took it for 2-3 years it didn’t help my neuropathy or my seizures and I also took the maximum dose of 3600 mg without any noticeable side effects although I wouldn’t be surprised if it contributed to my balance and memory problems. yes OK cause some people to be drowsy. If Gabapentin helps ease your pain I wouldn’t hesitate to take it long-term as long as your not having significant side effects.
Take care,

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Thank you, Jake.


Has anyone on this particular blog had Ketamine IV’s and found them to be pain-relieving enough to enable you to titrate off of Lyrica or Gabapentin during that time?


I was forgetting where I put things all day long or I put in a safe place but have no idea of the where safe place was.
Thanks for the good wishes

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My doctor prescribed gabapentin for me years ago for pain. I only took it for a few days and then stopped, because it made me feel wacky...I felt better without it than I did with it. I discarded the rest of the Rx at my local police office where they accept unwanted meds. I imagine it helps some people, but it was not for me.


I have been on 600 mg of gabapentin 3x a day for peripheral neuropathy. My pain is mostly in my feet, lower legs, and hands. I used to take tramadol for pain as needed. I asked my neurologist for an alternative to tramadol (neurotin). He wanted me to take 900 mg but it made me too dizzy. The gabapentin is fairly effective on the pain but I also have weakness in my legs and all over. My pain specialist recently gave me a Rx for Lyrica to try as an alternative to the gabapentin. My pain is such that I cannot live without drugs but I am interested in the 525 Protocol. I am afraid to go off the meds cold turkey and take just the 525 especially since it apparently takes time for the 525 to build up to easing pain. Has anyone tried tapering off gabapentin and simultaneously gradually changing to the 525. Has anyone switched from gabapentin to 525? If so how did it work out? Thanks to everyone for contributing to this website.

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My neurologist told me I could stop taking gabapentin cold turkey after taking 900mg three times per day for years. He said since I wasn’t taking it for epilepsy, but for neuropathy, that I would be ok. It took an entire month for me to realize the correlation between when I quit taking it and when I became so severely depressed that I couldn’t get out of bed, shower, or take care of myself. I was suicidal. Nothing else had changed and it finally dawned on me, that one medication change. Please taper off of gabapentin slowly.


Has anyone on this particular blog had Ketamine IV’s and found them to be pain-relieving enough to enable you to titrate off of Lyrica or Gabapentin during that time?

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I am no longer on gabapentin and use ketamine instead. But you HAVE to taper off of gabapentin slowly. I was taken off cold turkey and was suicidal. Also, not sure of your diagnosis, but LDN (low dose naltrexone) might be something to consider before IV ketamine if you haven’t already.


What form of Ketamine helps your pain and what dosage and times of the day? Please respond. I use 1/4th Ketamine sublingual melt at bedtime. Have u ever used Peptide injections? I have not but I’m hearing a lot about it.
I wish I could say that Low Dose Naltrexone helped my pain but instead it made my Tension Headaches and nerve pain worse. I tried it several times and each time, it made them more painful.


What form of Ketamine helps your pain and what dosage and times of the day? Please respond. I use 1/4th Ketamine sublingual melt at bedtime. Have u ever used Peptide injections? I have not but I’m hearing a lot about it.
I wish I could say that Low Dose Naltrexone helped my pain but instead it made my Tension Headaches and nerve pain worse. I tried it several times and each time, it made them more painful.

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Your question about Peptide therapy caught my attention. I have been seeing it mentioned a few times lately as an emerging therapy for both arthritis and pain, and it sounds extremely promising.
From what I can see, there are MANY peptides, and just a few have been isolated, tested and effective. But of course the supplement market has jumped in with all sorts of peptide products, some oral, some injectable. The miracle cure "clinics" have also jumped into the game, with ads, memberships and Web sites. Remember that this is not the Peptide Therapy being discussed in medical journals.
If you are interested in Peptide therapy for specific types of pain, be sure to discuss it with your current doc and get referred to an appropriate provider, like a pain clinic.
Have you asked your provider about Peptide therapy, or has it been suggested to you?

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