What options for anxiety & depression have worked for you?

Posted by mlh13here @mlh13here, Jan 28, 2022

Hello. So I just got off of Effexor. I was on it for anxiety and depression for a few years. Even with dose increases in the past, I do not feel like it worked very well for me.
I have an upcoming appt in February with a psychiatrist to determine other options for medication for me.
I am just looking for what others have found to work for them or what hasn't worked. There are so many options and I want to have somewhat of an understanding of what's out there.
Thank you in advance:)

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Hi Ginger

Just received my medical records for a period in my life when I was experiencing significant personal turmoil. Separation and divorce from my first wife after 18 years of marriage, separation from our 2 daughters. Work that kept me traveling extensively between Seattle and the Far East.

I just read my records for this period. From what I see I was not given a diagnosis per the DMS 5. Irregardless, I know the anger I was experiencing, an anger that began as a young boy only to truly manifest itself as an older person.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to address that anger. It’s still there but I’ve been to manage it using the techniques I’ve discovered.

I wish you the best. Please stay in touch.


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One of my biggest challenges has been holding onto things that have happened to me over the years. I struggle with forgiveness and moving forward. I know as I work through these things I will get better. Just helps me knowing that there are others that have overcome things like me and groups like this.


Does anyone have experience with EST?


One of my biggest challenges has been holding onto things that have happened to me over the years. I struggle with forgiveness and moving forward. I know as I work through these things I will get better. Just helps me knowing that there are others that have overcome things like me and groups like this.

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@mlh13here Yes, I have experienced that "am I the only one who feels this way" syndrome, also, over the years. Being able to share is important, and relating how we have dealt with it to come to a more even place. Like you, I struggle with the forgiveness factor. I have done a lot of journaling, take a low-dose antidepressant, and therapy. We each have our own unique story, definitely!

@mlh13here @kuma I am curious what you would tell your younger self now, about the anxiety and depression you have gone through, and how it has shaped your life?


Does anyone have experience with EST?

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I'm not sure what EST is, would you clarify that for me?


@mlh13here Yes, I have experienced that "am I the only one who feels this way" syndrome, also, over the years. Being able to share is important, and relating how we have dealt with it to come to a more even place. Like you, I struggle with the forgiveness factor. I have done a lot of journaling, take a low-dose antidepressant, and therapy. We each have our own unique story, definitely!

@mlh13here @kuma I am curious what you would tell your younger self now, about the anxiety and depression you have gone through, and how it has shaped your life?

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That's a very good question. I'd have to think about it. But, one thing would definitely be to tell myself is to stand up to those that bullied me all my childhood and to not let them lower my self esteem.


One of my biggest challenges has been holding onto things that have happened to me over the years. I struggle with forgiveness and moving forward. I know as I work through these things I will get better. Just helps me knowing that there are others that have overcome things like me and groups like this.

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I agree. It’s a process of learning resilience. Letting go of past hurts, including our own “cringe” behaviors is challenging. Developing a growth mindset has helped me tremendously to choose to not let my ego/emotions control me. I’ve wasted far too much time in my life looking back at things I can’t change. I want to choose forgiveness toward others and myself. I’m becoming more free in this learning process.
We have to CHOOSE to change ourselves every day…
some days with a “warrior” cry, other days limping along as we learn lessons from life.
Some days it’s rough, but the good days make the hard days bearable.
I’m still learning resilience every single day🤓


I'm not sure what EST is, would you clarify that for me?

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Fisher Wallace makes a device that supposedly stimulates certain areas of the brain to combat depression.




I take both and my anxiety is controlled. Klonopin 0.5 mg twice a day. I have never upped my dose. Benzodiazepines can be addictive.


I take both and my anxiety is controlled. Klonopin 0.5 mg twice a day. I have never upped my dose. Benzodiazepines can be addictive.

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I have been on Klonopin for up to six years for Anxiety. I am already physically dependent upon it. Please note: There is a BIG difference between "addiction" and "physical dependence" upon a prescribed medication. My Doctor explained this to me. "Addiction" is when you go to great lengths to obtain the drug and
you abuse the drug, whereas "physical dependence" means your body has adjusted to the medication and you had a Doctor prescribe it to you. "Addiction" is meant more for illegal street type drugs. Leah09

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